This is the future the liberals want
I can't see that second ability coming up other than when he bounces something himself. I guess [card]Kor Skyfisher[/card] technically works?
The blue three drop bounce on ETB slot is hotly contested these days. I'm on Exclusion Mage at the moment for [card]Riptide Laboratory[/card] synergy and ease of cost, but the fact it can't bounce your own things does bug me a little. Barrin might be better but his text box is a little busy, I can't see that second ability coming up other than when he bounces something himself. I guess [card]Kor Skyfisher[/card] technically works?
Sounds like there's enough that I hadn't thought about to give him a try. I don't run bouncelands, but Crystal Shard/Karakas definitely make him more appealing.
Bounce him, replay him, bounce their best guy, draw a card. Doesn't even need a buddy.I mean, if you're already running Riptide Lab, then Barrin goes off hard with any other wizard too.
I very well may have missed this fight somewhere
Seems like Maniac's downside is that you can just fucking die.
But then I wonder if Oracle makes it a little too easy.
I don't think I want both, but maybe I do?
The problem with Oracle is the massive wall of text. Laboratory Maniac is so much cleaner I wish it was the better card.