General Fight Club

Chris Taylor

Twinblade Assassins is kind of the most narrow possible: Your turn, your creatures.
In terms of a BG value card, given the payoff is the same (draw a card) I'd want to make it as broadly applicable as possible, so I think deathreap gets the edge here for me.

Dom Harvey

I think being a creature makes Assassins far more useful for the kind of deck that wants to make and sacrifice (and probably, in BG, find + recur) creatures than either of the enchantments
There's also Twinblade Assassins from the new set, which oh wow I just noticed was a 5/4. I thought it was a 3/2. Higher floor, but only triggers once per turn cycle.

Thanks, I didn't see that card yet (or I forgot about it?). I will put it on the maybe list, but my cube is kinda slow and runs a lot of efficient creature removal, so I doubt that the Assassins will get more than one trigger most of the time.

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If you want further arguments :)

Further arguments are always appreciated :)

Overall, I think I'll try Deathreap Ritual and if it sucks Moldervine Reclamation and/or the Assassins. I favor a solid floor and "guaranteed" value over some explosive combos.
Jeskai Elder is not very good


I’m a big fan of can go either way on the looters imo
I run both looters and found that people weren't bold enough to play Trademage, even in my graveyard-heavy environment. I also like the casual hand fixing the looters can do for a bad hand.

My turn for a big fight

Need to cut one. Medium-High power cube. I think I already know the answer, but they're all so fun!

I have a soft spot for scion, but I think beckoner is quite a bit better in most circumstances...the deathtouch counter has a lot of play to it

If you had a strong mill your opponent theme, scion could have a lot of play. Without, I think it’s clearly Beckoner