General Fight Club


Which one do you like more? I like the discard synergy of both but I don't actually run a lot of 4-strenght creatures. I also thought the Theros Phoenix was too cheap to escape and quick to kill so it's between those two.

I'm not sure there's a good argument I can make for or against either, but let's put it this way. I can't make space for Lightning Phoenix. I'm never cutting Flamewake Phoenix.
Something to note on these is that if your cube has red as a discarding color, the base casting cost does not matter, only the recursion cost. In that sense, Flamewake gets yet another plus.
Which card of these two is in your opinion, in a vacuum, the cooler and more fun card to draft and play? I'm asking for my cube occasionals.


Which big white wraths do you run? I’m on Rebirth, Outburst, Giant, and Austere Command right now, but i really want to make room for my pretty foil Akroma’s Vengeance...
I run

Fight Club 2: Which one of those would you cut if you had to? I might trim one. Keeping in mind there's heavy yard themes and every deck is black, so Merciless isn't really multicolored.


Ecstatic Orb
Fight Club 2: Which one of those would you cut if you had to? I might trim one. Keeping in mind there's heavy yard themes and every deck is black, so Merciless isn't really multicolored.
I tested Mythos of Snapdax, but even in my cube with its focus on three color support, Tragic Arrogance was just better most of the time. If there is a spot for 5+ cmc wraths in your cube, Tragic Arrogance is just going to be the more desirable card 95% of the time.
Do you feel like you get more play from Tragic than from a true Wrath? I liked Snapdax at 4, but I'm not sure at 5. At 5, I feel like I'd prefer Nova/Burial, unless you have reasoning not to.


Ecstatic Orb
It's rare for my control decks to not have at least one creature out, and it's super satisfying if you can choose the same permanent twice on your opponent's side of the board. Plus once you have the Tragic Arrogance, you can draft around it a bit. Suddenly that artifact creature (that's a liability for your opponent) might be extra attractive to you because it's an additional creature you can keep on the board! I've never cast an Arrogance that I didn't like. You getting the choice of what your opponent gets to keep is so much more powerful than they getting to make that choice, and it's not close! I've tested Cataclysmic Gearhulk as well, in the past, and even a 4/5 vigilance body is not enough to make up for you losing the ability to make all choices.


Ecstatic Orb
That would be such a cool legendary in Magic :)

"Whenever a spell or ability has you choose one option, you can choose one or more of those options instead."

Even in Standard this has a few very juicy targets :) I think I would put this effect somewhere in Naya.
i do really enjoy Outpost Siege. If i ran PWs in my cube i think that Kaladesh Chandra would be a shoo-in.
Looking again at my posted creatures, the Occultist and Oracle fit what i’ve got going on in Red the best. Lots of discard and sac payoffs in my Red section... But what about a discard outlet to setup the payoffs?