General Fight Club


So, if blue can return artifacts, instants and sorceries, and black can return creatures*, can't we just make a more color-intensive but broader Soul Manipulation?

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Or is this too backbreaking?

*We'll ignore planeswalkers, there's not too many of them in my cube anyway, plus they're kind of like creatures? If there's a color adept at bringing back planeswalkers from the dead it would be black, right?

Edit: Huh. Seems I totally forgot about this one:

That's a hard counter with a friendly casting cost and a possibly slight upside when you consider that Body Double and Necromancy are also in my cube.

the first hard counter with only U since arcane denial!

in reality UU is way harder than UB in cube for obvious reasons



Caldera Hellion is a very all-in card, though I think I prefer it over Magmaw unless the environment is very much like RoE, with Spawn tokens floating around everywhere.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Yeah, it kind of depends on the role you want it to play. Magmaw works with something like Gravecrawlers, but Caldera Hellion nukes your own board if you are using it as an aggro curvetopper.


Oh I dunno Hellion isn't that all-in. It's like a dumb Magister of Worth. Magmaw is much less come-from-behindy. I dunno, Magmaw is a lot worse too?


Ecstatic Orb
It is if you want red to be doing other things than aggro. It probably isn't if you run modern day high end cards like Inferno Titan, Baneslayer Angel, Griselbrand, etc.
Crater Hellion is fine if you like bluntly smacking everything without finesse. I already dislike boardwipes to the point of only running 5 cost ones or higher, but giving drafters a 6/6 that doubles as a board wipe for nothing but an echo cost?

Not on my watch. They'll play with ancient hydra before that happens.


Ecstatic Orb
That's... that's just nasty! For five mana wipe the board, gain semi-infinite life, oh, and return the sweeper to my hand, just in case!
I don't get it. Crater Hellion is a 12 mana evasionless 6/6 that conditionally wipes the board (in a color that generally doesn't even want that effect). Please tell me you guys aren't running titans because they laugh at this guy. Inferno Titan for example is 100 times more unfair.

I think sweepers are critical because you've got to have answers to all the CA army-in-can guys running rampant these days. Otherwise it just comes down to who builds their army fastest, or who gets the most broken pieces first. I'm all about preventing as many non-games as possible. And to do that I think you need a critical mass of answer cards. The more the merrier.

I'm sure there's an upper limit for removal somewhere but wizards hasn't printed enough cubable ones yet as far as I'm concern (at least for artifacts and enchantments). My 2 cents.