General Fight Club

Dream halls needs tons of draw. I'm not running enough and I'm not sure I can. It's just a narrow card.

Really storm is narrow. It doesn't synergize with shit. So I'm really struggling to find a way to push it.

Empty the warrens works because it supports tokens and is value at low storm counts. That card is in and will remain in I think. The rest? Not convinced.

I'd be fine with supporting storm and half a dozen super narrow cards if the payout was this crazy powerful deck that came together once in a blue moon. But I can't even construct that deck with what I have, never mind draft it.


I've stumbled across a few ways where storm can be good. I think in a more grindy, lower power format with bouncelands, its very viable, since the enablers are stuff like cloud of faeries and snap, which can support both tempo and ramp in that context. Your kill conditions like empty, grapeshot, and temporal fissure all have use elsewhere. At worse you can just draw a bunch of cards, play out a bunch of threats and have a huge board position.

In addition, you have this sudden plethora of spells matters cards, which are defacto storm cards: talrand, young pryomancer, kiln fiend, nivix cyclops, seeker of the way, ect. Those go in a bunch of decks, at varying power levels, and love spell chains. You can get a sort of aggro-combo, aggro-control feel with that.

Lastly, if you run a major mill/self-mill theme/focus on TOL manipulation, brain freeze can work as a self-mill piece, disruptive piece, and occastional kill piece, depending on the deck's goals.

I think a more "traditional" storm deck is going to be harder to run, though not impossible; its going to be ritual/mana rock based where you really need to design the cube so ritual effects are more of a pillar, supporting both storm and some sort of fair/fun ritual based ramp deck. Your non-narrow kill conditions aren't too bad though, you have empty, talrand, young pyromancer, and that new prowess mythic from fate reforged. Break singleton on those cards and you have pretty good wincon density in a 360 i.m.o.
Dream halls needs tons of draw or Cruel Ultimatium + Izzet Cronarch :D

LOL. Even with those cards, I still don't think you can get dream halls to work consistently. dream halls + crack memory jar and hope for the best. There. That works. Sometimes. But good luck making that happen before you are dead without fast mana and probably some tutors. I don't know, there has to be a better way.

Admittedly, I do not have extensive experience with storm. But as my group is casual, if I can't build a decent storm deck HAND PICKING CARDS, the rest of my group has no chance during a draft. So I'm coming to the sobering reality that if I shove this arch type in there, I'll be doing it for me alone and all I'll accomplish is tempting myself and others into drafting unplayable piles of rubbish.

I do this a lot I've come to realize. Think of things to try and shove into the cube and then I realize after a few days of jamming round pegs into square holes that it wasn't a well thought out idea. Sort of like impulse buying but with cube design.


yeah my preference is for Night's Whisper in that slot. 1B is just that much "better" designwise than a much more skill-intensive 3-mana draw spell and a marginally more powerful, far narrower double-cost pseudo-nug.
Another vote for Night's Whisper (though I run Read the Bones too). If you're only running one card of that kind, Whisper is the one to go with.

Chris Taylor

Pfft Casuals

(This card has been pretty mediocre by the way, I'm of the opinion all above mentioned are pretty shit)

I currently run one of each, but I think it makes more sense to have two of the same for consistency. Along that line of reasoning, I should run wraths since I also run damnation.


I currently run one of each, but I think it makes more sense to have two of the same for consistency. Along that line of reasoning, I should run wraths since I also run damnation.

Plus you get the bonus of running the beautiful inverse cards:

Has to be 9th edition though, the 10th edition has centred text...

Chris Taylor

I've asked a few of the singleton guys who pimp their cube if they'd be more excited for an alt art damnnation in the next standard set, or a colorshifted day of judgement in the same spot
Old Sorin is definitely stronger most of the time, IMO. If the board has a bunch of dudes or there's a stalemate, the new one becomes better.