General Fight Club

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I still prefer my token-making abilities to be minuses. They're both close to being cards that I love, while having enough wrong with them to make me want to pass.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
I still prefer my token-making abilities to be minuses. They're both close to being cards that I love, while having enough wrong with them to make me want to pass.

When Jason came and stayed with me in London we had a cube draft and he opened old Sorin. He said "This card should not be in your cube." So I just took it out and instead he got a Remand added to his pack and we were just much happier to have that in the draft.


Ecstatic Orb
I've never been unhappy with old Sorin. Gold instead of monocolored, and much less overbearing, he's pretty much old Elspeth done right.


Ecstatic Orb
Bloodbraid Elf because it isn't a flip card and my drafters don't have to take it out of the sleeve to see what it fricking does.


Ecstatic Orb
I also cut pod. No one was drafting it.

Oh, people were drafting it, and then coming up with not enough chains so it sucked. Pod also warps your cube by pushing enters the battlefield creatures and pushing out instant/sorcery-based token producers. The first is bad because running too many enters the battlefield effects makes your removal worse, a bad thing if you already run slightly suboptimal removal by design. The second is bad if you want to push Pyromancer and prowess and don't want to exclude fun cards (like Grizzly Fate) but have to because otherwise you hurt your Pod chains too much.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Yeah, I can see the arguments for not running pod. I've seen that it's sufficiently powerful and kind of interesting to draft around, but certainly isn't everyone's cup of tea.
I don't think you need to run an excessive number of etb creatures to run pod. Simply upgrading creatures can pretty good depending on the power level of your cube.


Ecstatic Orb
I don't think you need to run an excessive number of etb creatures to run pod. Simply upgrading creatures can pretty good depending on the power level of your cube.
Oh definitely, its just a direction Pod pulls me in, because upgrading a Keldon Marauders into an Eternal Witness into a Polukranos feels so much better than podding, say, a Prodigal Pyromancer into a Boon Satyr into a Polukranos. Not that I don't run any etb effects, I just don't want it to be the only thing in green because I want to make Pod a good card. Since Gruul is a supported guild, for example, I also want to run token producers in green that aren't creature based to synergizes with the double Prodigal Pyromancer in my cube.
Sure that makes sense. And I suppose that if those were your only two themes you wanted to support in green, you could do it no problem. Doesn't leave a lot of room, though.
I've run bloodbraid for years but am about to try transform creatures and huntmaster is one of the shining examples, so he's coming in. His lines of play seem pretty fun, too.

To combat double-faced cards (lots of newer players try my cube) I'm running the tip cards in-cube and have the actual cards in clear sleeves with my tokens for them to examine pre and mid-draft.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Oh, people were drafting it, and then coming up with not enough chains so it sucked. Pod also warps your cube by pushing enters the battlefield creatures and pushing out instant/sorcery-based token producers. The first is bad because running too many enters the battlefield effects makes your removal worse, a bad thing if you already run slightly suboptimal removal by design. The second is bad if you want to push Pyromancer and prowess and don't want to exclude fun cards (like Grizzly Fate) but have to because otherwise you hurt your Pod chains too much.

I think you nailed the issue with Pod on the head. It's at its best in high powered environments, where nobody blinks an eye at running multiples of Kitchen Finks or Shriekmaw, because there are so many powerful things going on. In lower powered environments, with fewer Nekrataals and persist bodies, the value of Pod goes down a lot, as spending a card and a pile of mana just to marginally increase the stats of one of your dorks is less worthwhile.

It makes sense that it's worked for Jason and others running high powered lists, and that it hasn't worked for a lot of us who aren't maxing out on ETB creatures.
Well, it wasn't a power problem with pod for us. It was a laziness thing. More than once guys (myself included) would pod and realize we didn't have a creature we could fetch. And that's just because we weren't really keeping track and paying attention. So guys found the card too much work and just stopped drafting it.

I think pod is a really awesome card and I love the design, it just fell out of favor here.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
It's definitely more of a constructed card than a limited one. The next time I draft Pod, I almost want to try running more than forty cards - maybe forty-fiveish? - just to see if it'll smooth things over curve-wise. Probably a horrible idea, but might be worth trying exactly once.