General Fight Club


are we really bitching about losing $50 of value on a set of birthing pods when we're all huge junkies who've mainlined much more expensive magic cards for years?
It's definitely more of a constructed card than a limited one. The next time I draft Pod, I almost want to try running more than forty cards - maybe forty-fiveish? - just to see if it'll smooth things over curve-wise. Probably a horrible idea, but might be worth trying exactly once.

This is generally a bad idea, but I'm not sure that rule applies to cube where I have generally found that consistency isn't necessarily what makes a good deck (assuming flatter power curve). When every card you draw is good, does it matter if your library is 40, 60 or 100 cards? Honest question. Wasn't meant as rhetorical.


Ecstatic Orb
@CML: Are we? I haven't seen anyone bitching about the loss of value of Pod over here. On mtgs however... :)

@ahadabans: Presumably, even if all of your cards are good, not all of your cards are equally good. In other words, if all of your cards are equal, some are bound to be more equal than others. Cutting down to the smallest allowed deck size doesn't ensure you have the greatest chance at drawing good cards, it ensures you have the greatest chance at drawing your best cards.


Ecstatic Orb
Never, ever, ever run 41+ cards. It is never right. There is always a last cut.
The only time I can think of when running 41 is an option is in slow control (draw go) mirrors where decking is a legitimate way of winning. If you know you're that kind of deck, and you know there's one or more other that kind of decks, I could see starting 41 to win. Even then though, you could easily run 40 with a maindeck Compulsive Research or some such to force the lethal card draw on your opponent.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Hey there was that one time that French guy won a pro tour or something with a 61 card deck. It happens. It's all just a bunch of statistics that I for one am ill equipped to work out, so I'm open to the possibility of running 41+ cards. Sometimes 23 spells and 18 lands feels right.
I stick to 40 in Limited + Cube, but I'll definitely go 41 in Sealed if it makes sense. Games are slow enough (most of the time), where the percentages are negligible into the late game.

Chris Taylor

The thing I like about pod is that it's so little space dedicated to so much play. Maybe I'm just bored with green but there's not a lot of competition among the noncreature spells over there, and even if me and my scrubby friends don't jam pod every draft, it continutes to impress every time someone actually builds with it, which is about every other draft.

It's much worse in smaller draft groups (4 person drafts + Pod = The loosest chains you ever did see) and I've certainly had it fail from time to time, but It's really just so much for so little. I even have a prowess theme and it works.

Also, there's something to be said here about removal and ETB guys. Volcanic Hammer is a worse card than searing spear, but it isn't a lower power card. They have the same input/output, just one changes your sequencing decisions and the other means people feel horrible if they need to run angelic destiny in their final 40
Not a fan of either Loxodon or Fleecemane. I run these in Selesnya colors, all of them way more interesting:

Which one would you rather run?

Sounds like scylla and charybdi, but elspeth at least sounds somewhat beatable. Doesn't Gideon just completely refocus the game around him in a pretty unfun way? At least you can hope to ignore elspeth sometimes
I like having a white walker as a control finisher, both Elspeth and Gideon perform that role well. It's just that Elspeth has been a little obnoxious in recent drafts and I haven't played with Gideon in a while either. I don't remember which is more obnoxious. I do think the Gideon card has some really badass flavor though, and I like that he can be picked off with simple spot removal. Then again, he's basically indestructible versus a red deck unless they go big.

They're both pretty much the same power level to me, not sure which is more fun to play with though.