General Fight Club

Wow. Thank you guys so much for the answers. Never expected I had to read two pages of comments.

I have come to the conclusion that many of you find both Lions pretty boring and/or oppressive.

Who here run's

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Wow. Thank you guys so much for the answers. Never expected I had to read two pages of comment.

I have come to the conclusion that many of you find both Lions pretty boring and/or oppressive.

Who here run's

me! haven’t tested yet but as a 2 mana instant i think it will play quite well
will do! i’m very optimistic. holding up 2 mana can represent a lot of stuff in my format (such as Clues) and my hope is this plays really nice in decks like Bant Blink that want to find the Soulherder or Omnath or Titania or whatever engine critter you need to break through and start snowballing, while allowing you bluff/optional a counter or kill spell at the same time. flash is so good on this kind of toolbox tutor.
EDIT: Brad, it’s ok to have wrong opinions
From my point of view GW literally is the "generic beatdown" pairing
There's a reason GW is black's enemy pairing...
Eladamri's Call
I think it depends what your GW is doing. If you have some sort of Pod combo or something, I love this. If you're on the generic hitters build, I don't love adding 2 mana to your beater's cost. Really depends what your decks can do with it. It's a 2 mana instant tutor, so there's obviously good uses.

I like the idea of Call, Finale, GSZ, Pod, Recruiter, etc as some sort of toolbox combo deck, but that depends on your stance towards combo and your format's speed.
There's a reason GW is black's enemy pairing...

I think it depends what your GW is doing. If you have some sort of Pod combo or something, I love this. If you're on the generic hitters build, I don't love adding 2 mana to your beater's cost. Really depends what your decks can do with it. It's a 2 mana instant tutor, so there's obviously good uses.

I like the idea of Call, Finale, GSZ, Pod, Recruiter, etc as some sort of toolbox combo deck, but that depends on your stance towards combo and your format's speed.
my hope for the card is that it works well as a fair toolbox. like some of the creatures i mentioned earlier aren’t instant wins, but they are generally build around type cards, and there’s quite a few of these creatures in GWx, being the “many creatures” guild.
some more examples of toolbox hits:
Thalia vs the blue deck
Cathar Commando (or KOA) vs the Sword of X&Y
Monastery Mentor to start popping off next turn on cantrips
Ewit or Ramunap Excavator to get a loop started
General Ferrous to get your robot army running
I am going to go with a bit of both of the answers above me and confuse you more.

I like both White removal spells and would play Braids in your environment first.
White pick depends on if enchantments matter vs how much walkers matter. I'd rather work at instant speed for my control decks unless I need the enchantment density.

I don't think your format has time to wait on Braids, looking at your list. Everything is immediate ETB value or very snowbally, except for some weird outliers lol.

Chris Taylor

So for my cube, I'm leaning away from enchantment based removal as much as I can because of a few broad categories of cards:
1) Eternal Witness et al
2) Young Pyromancer et al
3) Werebear et al
I also think that enchantments by and large are actually worse for supporting delirium than just instant/sorcery. This was a trap I put myself in for 'sigh, a cube', but now I realize that enchantments don't want to go to the grave, while the other types put themselves there for you. Enchantments with cycling a notable exception.

Enchantment removal is searchable with enlightened tutor so thats one reason I keep a couple around.
Thats true, but those cards (standstill notwithstanding) are a bit of an efficiency hit, and casting an instant in their place might be just as likely to tick up the delirium count. I think the best card in most cubes for quickly making delirium active is walking ballista. Two card types, cheap, self-saccing, generally useful. Faithless Looting is probably the best enabler piece, allowing you to precision dump cards as needed.

Regardless, I don't think Oblivion Ring is the type of card to be patting yourself on the back over as a card type diversity win, is what I'm getting at.