General Fight Club

I'd only look specifically at enchantments for an enchantment theme, which really isn't good right now, or as a little splash for Delirium. I wouldn't go too out of my way about it for Delirium.
yeah i’m not saying people should go super deep for it, creature/land/instant/sorcery is still the go to combo, but having a couple 1-2 mana clean one-for-ones like Seal, Weight and Growth are really nice as they work everywhere but provide a little extra utility for the drafter who’s on some delirium cards
yeah i’m not saying people should go super deep for it, creature/land/instant/sorcery is still the go to combo, but having a couple 1-2 mana clean one-for-ones like Seal, Weight and Growth are really nice as they work everywhere but provide a little extra utility for the drafter who’s on some delirium cards
Yeah, I was just adding to your list. Those are the ones I'd consider Delirium-worthy. Except I hate Standstill. I'm on Weight and Grasp, personally. For obvious reasons.
Can someone explain to me why Sinister Concoction is good? Is it mostly considered good because Bone Shards has only been around for a little while? The cost seems prohibitively high for the effect (guaranteed 2-for-1, unlike, say, Spark Harvest or Baleful Mastery which can be 1-for-1s if you're willing to pay the mana). Maybe I've always assumed that something like Bone Shards has existed--the Berenstain Bears of Magic.
Concoction is not good, is it? Even in synergy decks it's hard to justify it. It's either telegraphed or BB sorcery speed, and though discarding a card is sometimes neutral or good in graveyard decks, the opportunity cost of not discarding it to, say, Faithless Looting instead is considerable.
It is not a good card and it is indeed much worse than Bone Shards. However, it does what you want in Inscho's environment. It's cheap, it's a discard outlet and it fills your graveyard a little.
yeah i think Concoction is a deece discard outlet and does a bunch of small good things in a graveyard combo type cube, but it gets a lot worse as you get fairer
i STILL run Capsule once in a great while. it’s worse enough than every thing else that it’s basically guaranteed to wheel to the Emry player, where it does deece work. nice little role player card
Sadly Brad-proof though :confused:

I loved it in Sigh, a Cube and now may have convinced myself to continue it's legacy in Sigh, again?
Sadly Brad-proof though :confused:

I loved it in Sigh, a Cube and now may have convinced myself to continue it's legacy in Sigh, again?
the big thing for me is ease of recursion. it’s worse than most kill spells but if you have other stuff that gets back artifacts/permanents then it becomes a tradeoff of paying higher cost for the ability to loop it, which for a control player is probably a good tradeoff if they have other more efficient removal to back it up and get to the looping point.
Some things I like about cards like Sinister Concoction, Aether Spellbomb, Pyrite Spellbomb and Executioner's Capsule that aren't necessarily relevant to every cube:

- It gets an action spell out your hand that can be used later. Which is useful for cards like:

- As already stated, they fuel delirium
- Artifacts are immensely easy to recur, Concoction is a rare discard outlet in black
- Telegraphing removal isn't always a negative. If an opponent holds back a premium threat it is at risk of being discarded through hand discard or wheel effects...or maybe it buys time for Braids, Cabal Minion or Smokestack to do work
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Thanks! Just wanted to make sure I wasn't going absolutely bonkers because I feel like I see Concoction a fair bit. Sure, it definitely does the synergy thing, but it just gets outclassed by so many cards, even down to straight-up Murder, I think, that it felt like a really niche pickup.
Are you ranking based on how strong they are? Is this slot one of those in which this matters a lot because the worse alternatives are typically too bad?

I was leaning towards Martyr because looks better in aggro (was actually going to try Beskir Shieldmate, but then I found Martyr). My thinking is that the 1/1s need equipment to be useful in offense, while a 2/1 cannot be ignored indefinitely.
Yes, it's ranked by how I feel about their power. I think the flying on the Traveler token makes it really good. Sure, they can mostly ignore the 1/1 if you're attacking with it, but ask yourself: How many white decks don't have any ways to pump their guys? Equipment, counters, team pump ... even with a Glorious Anthem the synergy is real. And I like it better even in more defensive token decks. After all, it's an Eager Cadet plus Lantern Kami for a single mana. That I'd take over Raise the Alarm.

I think Martyr is stronger than Witness for the reason you mentioned. You need the lifelink to matter more than gaining 1 or 2 and that's it, most of the time.

In all seriousness, though, Traveler is a classic for a reason.

The problem with something like Witness or Martyr is that they're fundamentally defensive creatures. Yeah, sure, if you have equipment floating around they essentially act like removal... but a lot of times, they're mostly going to be little creatures who can chump block twice.

Traveler, on the other hand, chump blocks and then gives you an evasive attacker.

I've loved Courser for years, but I'm leaning towards making this swap after looking over the pros and cons. I think a 2/3 is more manageable than a 2/4 for low to the ground decks and damage based removal matches up more favorably, Augur has a relevant creature type compared to Courser, Augur is basically a combo Courser + Vizier of the Menagerie once Coven is online (which should be trivially easy), and finally I much prefer Augur's art.

For those of you running Courser, are you making this swap? I'd actually prefer to have both Augur and Courser in my environment, but I really want to run Briarbridge Tracker due to blink synergies and pushing more of an aggressive slant to R/G decks and don't want too high a density of x/3+ creatures at 2-3 CMC for Aggro purposes.
I'll probably be alone in saying this, but I'm not big on either.

Courser seems like such a crazy wall for aggro to deal with and it comes with card advantage and card quality often attached.

Augur is much more manageable with it's 3 toughness but I'm afraid of how quickly it can shred through a green deck. If you have Coven up, it basically adds the top card to your hand and you draw whenever you cast it.

Both of them feel like they can impact the hell out of the game and do too much for 3 mana at times.

That said, your power level is higher than mine and Augur has more exciting play to it. The potential for a bursty turn is much more interesting than the potential to block the hell out of the red deck that Courser has. Augur also makes you gain Coven, which is something for both players to consider. You'll get more memorable games out of Augur than you will from Courser blocking a bunch and gaining 4 life or whatever.