General Fight Club

I think Bronzehide Lion seems more interesting, since you have to keep mana up for it to be indestructible instead of revolving around 1-2 windows of opportunity to get rid of Fleecemane Lion. I don't actually mind the words on Bronzehide too much because it's just really "wg: indestructible until eot. When it dies, it becomes a pelt with this ability."
gw…. boring?!? only if you’re doing it wrong!
i don’t care much for either lion and would run KOTR, Rallier, Finks, Eladrimi’s Call, Pridemage, Voice of Resurgence, ANOTHER KOTR AND RALLIER, Saffi first, personally
Yeah, KotR is the best GW card ever
gw…. boring?!? only if you’re doing it wrong!
i don’t care much for either under costed guy and would run an under costed guy, an under costed guy+fetch, two under costed guys, guy grabber, Pridemage, two under costed guys, ANOTHER UNDER COSTED GUY AND UNDER COSTED GUY+FETCH, Saffi first, personally
KotR is cool if you lean into lands a bit. Otherwise, I fixed your list. None of the cards do anything.
GW "does" efficient creatures, so all of those examples are very on theme and "do" exactly what is expected for the color pair. I think maybe what you want to say is "they don't do anything I personally enjoy" because they all are very effective at helping GW decks win games in various ways.

My preffered efficient and flexible creature in those slots is
GW "does" efficient creatures, so all of those examples are very on theme and "do" exactly what is expected for the color pair.
So the archetype is "generically good cards"?
I think maybe what you want to say is "they don't do anything I personally enjoy"
I actually do personally enjoy it, but it's not the best use of gold slots. GW is is often considered a problem guild around here for a reason. The emphasis on do was because "is pushed" isn't exactly doing something. It's not enabling any synergies.
because they all are very effective at helping GW decks win games in various ways
Do pushed stats win games? Yeah. Is that alone going to create a synergy driven deck that gives direction to the draft? No.

My point is that there's a lot of cards that can make a more interesting deck and draft than tossing in a 2 mana 3/3 or a Finks or whatever random guy for stats' sake.
GW "does" efficient creatures, so all of those examples are very on theme and "do" exactly what is expected for the color pair. I think maybe what you want to say is "they don't do anything I personally enjoy" because they all are very effective at helping GW decks win games in various ways.

My preffered efficient and flexible creature in those slots is
oooh KOA is another good one, i forgot about her even though i literally have one in the mail on its way to me right now

EDIT: Brad, it’s ok to have wrong opinions
I've never had problems filling my {G/W} slots. Maybe this comes from being below the average cube power level. I currently support landfall, tokens, lifegain and loam synergies with just three gold cards. No need for good stuffy stuff.
GW is a weird multi-color pairing in that most of the cards aren't great signposts ala The Gitrog Monster in BG or Falkenrath Aristocrat in RB, but excel in having cards that synergize with stuff you're already doing in White and/or Green. It's more of a reward for being in colors than a reason for going into those colors.

Knight of the Reliquary can help land-based cards like Titania, Protector of Argoth or Felidar Retreat get going. Tutor up something like a Wasteland with an active Ramunap Excavator and blow up two lands by replaying it from the graveyard. Renegade Rallier can function similarly with recursion of stuff already in your graveyard, get multiple triggers off recurring a fetchland and Landfall in creatures like Tireless Tracker, Lotus Cobra and Tireless Provisioner. They've got a glut of stronger 3 drops in gold which make them a natural base color pairing for either Birthing Pod (where 3s are important) or Collected Company decks (where 3s are everything).

So while it's not the most enticing on first glance, there's a lot more to work with once you dive into individual offerings in both Green and White that work with them. Actually a fair bit deeper than it seems on first glance.
From my point of view GW literally is the "generic beatdown" pairing, and there's no reason not to just lean into that. It's a card design archetype WotC doesnt shy away from, so why should we. And like Shamizy says, some of the cards end up being rewards rather than signposts, and that is fine! The mono color cards can so easily slot together on their own, having explicit signposts isn't really necessary.
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Is Censor better than Counterspell, or am I just crazy? I feel that most decks in cubes including decent numbers of spells with cmc 4 or greater are going to want to cast those spells on curve, at which point Censor seems better to me due to the cycling and the less prohibitive casting cost. Are these scenarios more fringe than I think? Obviously, Counterspell is much better if decks are reliably running out of gas, but I don't foresee that happening, and I do like how Censor seems to give some counterplay, but I'm actively trying (if failing) to rein in my complexity budget in the rebuild of my cube.
nah i think censor is usually better as well
EDIT: generally you’ll probably be running both unless you have some specific restriction on double pips or “hard” counters, they’re both nice simple core blue effects near top of class
Censor is great for our formats. I think even better is the classic miscalculation. That extra 1 on the "unless you pay" makes it another order of magnitude closer to just being Counterspell than Censor is, and cycling is a much lower priority on a counterspell (which you usually want to keep to actually counter stuff).
Censor is great for our formats. I think even better is the classic miscalculation. That extra 1 on the "unless you pay" makes it another order of magnitude closer to just being Counterspell than Censor is, and cycling is a much lower priority on a counterspell (which you usually want to keep to actually counter stuff).
yes, miscalc is just… wow. so good. this fight club reminds me of some limited article where the author was talking about solving formats and basically said “my teammates and i debated endlessly whether X or Y was the best common in the set. but you know what? they’re both great, it doesn’t really matter which is better, they’re just both great.”

Censor and Miscalc and even counterspell are like that. they’re just. so. good.
Yeah, Miscalculation is just crazy, it's too much for me, lol. At least with Censor you can kind of sort of play around it. I'm not opposed to hard counters like counterspell--the cost is enough downside--but if a spell is going to be splashable I want that to come with a cost. And agreed that the cycling is just gravy, but when it's important it's really important (i.e. late game, looking for a specific sliver bullet, etc). Thanks!

Edit: for context, I'm making a list of cards that I always want to see played in my cubes to help ground my decisions during my rebuild.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
To me the only GW setup I've enjoyed is the 'fun with lands' setup. The support might not be appropriately there at lower power levels though.