Prosperous Thief is fine (possibly attacking with a 3/2 T2 that ramps you is a great payoff for sacrificing some tempo and well worth the risk in many cases) and Thousand-Faced Shadow is actively good, but Moonsnare Specialist is not great. The body is just too anemic, and a 2/2 for 3 is arguably worse than Man-o-War's 1/3.
Yeah, I will probably go for the Shadow. As Ondeer pointed out, it kinda fulfills two roles for the ninjutsu tempo decks. If I had more space (blue is really tight) I could also see the Thief for some overlap with artifacts.
ravnic's cube is probably slow enough to run
Separatist Voidmage.
Nah, I don't think so. Man-o'-War sees play without being incredible. It's just where I want to be power level wise. Moonsnare Specialist at least needed a ninjutsu cost of

. As it is, Mistblade Shinobi is overall the better card for me. It's cheap ninjutsu cost also makes it better in rebuying etb triggers. Attack with
Marsh Flitter turn five, ninjutsu, bounce your 4-drop, recast the Faerie is a much more realistic scenario than activating multiple (expensive) ninjutsu abilities in one combat.
Also kudos to
@LadyMapi for theoretically breaking Covert Technician in my cube