General Fight Club

I prefer Poly K, he can clear the way for himself to hit face. Deadbridge doesnt do anything on the board and 6mana for a buff whilst free is a lot to ask for.


If your environment is very condensed, I would lean heavly towards night's whisper, since you only have so many windows to cast your sorcery speed draw spell. In general though, night's whisper does a better job smoothing out draws where you have 2 lands and need to find the third land. However, read the bones is better in situations where you are mana flooded.

I guess I would lean towards night's whisper in a vacuum, but I like both cards.


I think we talked about the whole Black divination thing earlier, the conclusion I came to was that Night's Whisper was the coolest because costing 2 > costing 3 by a wider margin than scry 2 > nothing, and 1B > BB by a wider margin than target > no target.

FWIW the power level is obviously there for both cards.


there are a lot of sweet Black 3 creatures and very few black 2's.

i'm hijacking this thread and turning it into black 2's. here's what i've got

cool huh

are there any more i'm missing
That's the Ugin's Fate promo. Sadly, the actual art is way less epic.


Still, seems like a nice card to try out. Did work in my friends peasant cube, probably gonna give it a whirl in my next draft.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
I meant Butcher Ghoul. I know the upside is a little higher... well, it depends on whether you care about +1/+1 counters I suppose. Manifest misses at 2/3rds of the time, and the manifested 2/2 is no longer a Zombie for cards that care about that.

Chris Taylor

I actually like butcher ghoul better: He actually lets you cast gravecrawler on the backside.

I kinda wish there was B1 2/1 > 2/2, but alas
Sultai Emissary totally plays better with CML's brainstorm package, FWIW. Which naturally pushes U/B into being a TINY bit more interesting as far as creature strategies go.