General Fight Club

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Enters the battlefield triggers don't work with manifest, though, right? Or am I misremembering how the rules work here again o_O

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
for Cube i don't see any point in not houseruling this for a better experience.

I would say the barrier to this is complexity creep. A bit under half of our group are newcomers, and Magic already isn't an easy game to learn, so as much as possible I want to stick to the actual rules. That way players don't have to learn about all of Magic's funny corner cases, and then account for our extra list of corner cases.

Chris Taylor

Yeah morph (or manifest) is a not insignificant complexity cost, and really plays badly with ETB stuff.

You get blowouts when you flip a first strike creature, but that's...just a combat trick.
Hell even if you could flash in a sower of temptation, she doesn't untap things, you can't exactly trade of their attackers for eachother like you can with ray of command :p

Manifest is a sweet build around if the creature you're flipping has a big downside when it enters the battlefield. Phyrexian Dreadnought? That's nice to manifest. Grinning Demon? Not so much (probably okay, but not construct your deck with it in mind level good)
Good one. My gut sticks with geist, but if your counter theme is strong enough the avatar is certainly worth testing.

If you're running a minor green devotion theme, probably both.


Both are strong cards, but they are very beatdown oriented. I imagine that if your green section that tended that way you would probably want both. Despite that, obtaining {G}{G} on turn 2 consistently in even a 2-colour deck seems to ask a lot of your mana base. Possibly the Avatar is more interesting if you are exploring a +1/+1 counter theme, as he scales a little later into the game, and {G}{G} isn't as difficult to obtain then.
Green tends to be a support colour in aggro decks in my cube offering cards like Rancor and Bloodbraid Elf, and neither of these would really help those aggro decks touching green. Perhaps a cube with an Experiment One based 'vomit-hand-onto-board' green section would love these guys?

I just came from the discussion on Phyrexian Obliterator, so that is probably shaping my thinking, but do Filter lands have some virtue?
How good does the mana in your cube have to be in order to run multiple CC creatures?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Good one. My gut sticks with geist, but if your counter theme is strong enough the avatar is certainly worth testing.

If you're running a minor green devotion theme, probably both.

What's the upside on the avatar? a syngergy-based Tarmogoyf type of creature with reach and trample? Geist also works with +1/+1 counters, so that's not necessarily a big tick in avatar's column.


I'd also agree Geist is usually going to be the better card, but the two are different enough and the Avatar's power level is high enough so I'd run both rather then x2 Geist if I was looking for a devotion/+1 counter cards (and I am, so I plan on it). Avatar coming down as a ~5/4 trample is going to work in a lot of board states that Geist can't do shit in. Geist addresses Green's weaknesses better, which gives it the edge.

Dom Harvey

They don't work with counters in the same way though, Geist helps cards that want counters while Avatar is a card that wants counters


well now that you put it that way

can we just make this a theme in every cube

the draft is reinstated