Well, Delver has the rather large problem of assuming a 16 land, 4 delver, 20 spell deck, the odds of flipping it are 50/50. That's pretty unacceptably low for a creature that doesn't affect the board until it flips, so I'm not a fan. Even if you bump that up to more reliable numbers with scry and brainstorm, the end result is that delver is either horrible or absolutely insane. The only upside to this card I can see is that the alternatives are so horrible it looks reasonable.
Cloudfin Raptor is great assuming A) Your opponent ignores it and B) You curve out perfectly evolving it 2-3 times
Here are the thoughts going through my head when I resolve a raptor T1:
- Boy I hope my opponent doesn't play something I need to interact with. Precinct Captain would fuck my curve up right now.
- Boy I hope I don't miss a land drop.
- Boy I hope my blue deck has 18-20 creatures in it so I can actually evolve this piece of crap
- Boy I hope all the creatures (in my blue deck, I remind you) have reasonable power/toughness for their CMC. No small utility creatures!
- I'm so glad I drew my raptor in my opener. I really hope I don't draw any more, since it's a horrible topdeck! I mean, savannah lions at least trades with other moderately sized creatures, but I'm playing blue.
- I hope this thing lives long enough for it to have 2 power, since if that doesn't happen it hasn't really contributed to my board at all.
Like, I get it. If it had 1 power it'd be insane, since the last thing experiment one needs is evasion. But every one of the above bullet points is a problem, and if any of them go wrong you're stuck with
storm crow. This thing's average case scenario is awful
Phantasmal Bear is the least shit of the three, and for that I recommend it. It plays horribly with blue's otherwise undersized creatures, since it can't pick up the equipment you'd usually need to make them work, and it also can't be protected by a
counterspell, or attack well into the lategame like other blue creatures, but at least it is a functional magic card that attacks and blocks, and does damage without the absurd amount of setup the other two require.
I don't even run it since custom cards let me avoid the aforementioned frustrations. This is my 1 drop of choice:
This thing is an unprintable abomination basically on par with making
Hymn to Tourach a pitch spell (Like
Misdirection and co), because blue isn't allowed to have actual creatures, just sorceries that happen to have power and toughness:

Attacking? With a blue deck? Pfft play white