General Fight Club

Here's one I've been fighting with for a long time... my White one drops.
I've had these in some quantity at some time or another in my cube:

1. How many 1-drop white creatures do you run? I'm thinking of dropping my overall cube curve some anyways so I might go with more anyways.
2. Which ones of these do you like the best?
3. Which ones have you run in multiples, and would recommend?
4. Which color pairs do you see playing W/x aggro in your cube with those multiples?
I run 7 @ 405

Of the ones listed, I like Mom and Figure. Big fan of Thraben Inspector, power level allowing

Can't speak to this part

Can't really speak to this either, but RW aggro is pretty popular around here, so Figure might be a good choice
If your only other creatures are tokens, one death gets you the maniac, and the other empties your library
My white one-drops consist of the following:

I really pushed the human-tribe (2x Thalia's Lieutenant, 3x Bloodsoaked Champion etc.) and I want my 1-drops to be at roughly the same powerlevel.
White is a more aggressive colour in my cube but the Lawkeeper and Herald hold their own in more midrangeish lists. I thought about swapping the Herald with Thraben Inspector or adding the latter instead of something else, but it seems that the Inspector is not as strong as the rest of those cards (although that might also be true for the Woe-Reaper who bravely fills the niche of removing recursive beaters).

I don't like Steppe Lynx, period. Mother of Runes is too strong for a one-drop in my opinion and I hate strong hybrid one-drops like Figure of Destiny. It ruins my attempt of balancing the cube from the start. Doomed Traveler is cool and comparable to Young Wolf when it comes to powerlevel concerns. If you have a lot of 2/1-beaters it might be a bit strong, though. Nice to have in a sacrifice deck.

Chris Taylor

I actually took out kytheon. I like the concept of a savannah lions with that ability + some synergy upside, but every time he actually flipped the game was just over.

Imo those two cards belong in very different decks, but if I had to throw down I'd say that brimstone volley takes it, easily. Morbid is just much easier to trigger, and also offers fun mindgame scenarios (you attacking with a 1/1 token into an opponent's 5/5 suddenly becomes an interesting block decision when morbid gets involved...)
Well, power level wise, Volley is clearly better. Which do you think is most interesting though?
Brimstone Volley, because you can play it in any deck containing red instead of balls-to-the-walls aggro only which Cackling Flames is signaling to me.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
all these years i always thought that's what this idiom meant, but i just checked urban dictionary now and was proven wrong :(
Urban Dictionary said:
term used by pilots. when accelerating quickly, the throttle is pushed all the way to the panel and the throttle lever (ball) actually touches the panel (wall). Hence, balls to the wall.

oh that's interesting. Halfway through reading that, I was hoping they would accelerate so fast that the inertia would push their balls to a wall or something.
Here's one I've been fighting with for a long time... my White one drops.
I've had these in some quantity at some time or another in my cube:

1. How many 1-drop white creatures do you run? I'm thinking of dropping my overall cube curve some anyways so I might go with more anyways.
2. Which ones of these do you like the best?
3. Which ones have you run in multiples, and would recommend?
4. Which color pairs do you see playing W/x aggro in your cube with those multiples?

Better late than never I suppose.

1. I have nine according to my list:

2. I like Champions and Woe Reapers the most. Champion gives a great T1 play for most Wx based aggressive decks (and pairs up nicely with Bloodsoaked Champion), while Woe-Reaper pulls double duty as a source of additional gravehate and lifegain. Mom is a perenially great card, always a difference maker if you can curve out with it.

3. Double Champs and Woe-Reapers have done well for me, I'm also at 450 though so that might be something to consider. I haven't really increased my white one-drop suite from my jump from 420 though, mostly just put in more creature early in the curve in black and red (which usually pair up with white for aggressive decks).

4. RW and BW are the most common pairings. Black gives you access to the recursive aggro package with Gravecrawlers, Bloodsoaked Champions and Carrion Feeder. Red gives you access to a ton of aggressive creatures at the 1 and 2 slots as well as the burn to give you extra reach. With BW you're usually just jamming your dudes into whatever blockers since you don't really care since they can just come back. GW happens on occassion, but it usually ends up being more midrange-y with many 3 drops and some 4s.

Importantly, does there ever really need to be a time to run both? I'm leaning towards the Kami because you can play it preemptively, and it's easier to cast. Thoughts?

Chris Taylor


Importantly, does there ever really need to be a time to run both? I'm leaning towards the Kami because you can play it preemptively, and it's easier to cast. Thoughts?

Yeah I tend towards Kami since it beats down, rather than needing to be held if it's going to kill anything.
In an artifact heavy list (like most modern lists), I think relic-warder is better personally. How many must-answer enchantments are people running? I'm guessing most of that has been gutted from your typical Riptide list.