Elves and Birthing Pod are a good reason indeed, but why humans?I would only ever run Sage again if I had some of these themes as a huge part of my cube:
Humans, Elves or Birthing Pod.
Otherwise you will never feel good running Sage.
Elves and Birthing Pod are a good reason indeed, but why humans?
1. I run both! Ur has some nice little things like this
2. both of these are a bit much. I'm actually running toil spout and I'm pretty happy with it
3. Haven't played with vizier, but blue rise from the grave is just boring. Vizier
3. Brontodon. Being able to commit the body early, not having to hold it for an artifact/enchantment to show up is amazing. War priest of thine vs mami of ancient law taught me this a while back
I concur, but it does depend on the amount and quality of fixing available in your environment.I find it's much easier to play Brontodon on curve
I have been agonizing over which of these two cards should fill my third guild slot for gruul. Number one is obviously Bloodbraid Elf, and I also run Dragonlord Atarka as one of my fav fatties and ramp/Wildfire bombs. Do you guys have any experience with Sarkhan Vol? I never see him in cube lists but he seems like a solid curve topper for Collected Company decks, and perhaps more importantly, he represents one of the few threaten effects suitable at my power level. Considering I run both double CoCo and double Birthing Pod, as well as a heavy sacrifice theme in Rakdos, which seems like the better fit for my cube?
Also along similar lines, how do you all feel about Yasova Dragonclaw?
Hey there! I also run double Pod double CoCo.
Here are mycards: Bloodbraid, D-Lord A-tarkz, Clan Defiance (fliers hate/ramp support), and a custom spin on E-Wit. I really enjoy the threaten+pod synergies and briefly ran Sarkhan Vol, who was pretty solid at my then-power level, which is only a little weaker than it is currently. I really enjoyed his ability to play Fires, CoCo, or Pod with ease, and the ult wasn't very common while I had him in. I cut him when I reduced the number of planeswalkers in my environment, and was a little sad to see him go but not majorly bummed out - maybe that's a better sense of his power.
When it comes to threaten effects, I really like Yasova Dragonclaw. The body is respectable, she's a mana sink for CoCo decks (the more all-in you are on CoCo the more you want sinks IME), and the repeatable threaten is honestly quite frustrating across the board. This is to say nothing of her interactions with Goblin Bombardment, or the disgusting violence of the threaten-attack-pod your guy play pattern.
PS: here's the custom gruul card I run. it's aggressive stats, more fodder for the sort of RUG recursion engine decks people here like, as well as one-shot grave hate for reanimator or combo opponents. For me and mine it's been satisfying, and I've kept it in every time I've trimmed custom cards because it's a solid roleplayer in a lot of decks. If I weren't running the Huntress, I think I might be running Sarkhan in her place.
How has Borderland Explorer been in your cube btw? Has always seemed like a solid early drop for CoCo and pod but I've never given him a fair crack at my cube.