James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Great article. I guess I wasn't very out of the box at that point (though I did have a few custom cards in the cube), but I think this was an important paragraph: 'Designs influenced by this mindset tend to focus on the question, “what cards are good in my Cube?” rather than, “what cards are good for my Cube?”' I guess that's why I stopped trying to trade for that last sword and started cutting anything that leads to easy drafting or uninteresting games.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Well I'm shamelessly plugging myself, but today I'm doing my last episode of The Communist Propaganda Show for a long time on Tune in at 4pm (UK time) if you can. Find me on facebook if you want a shoutout, and if you like what you hear, do not hesitate to tell me :) I'm just playing a bunch of my favorites today, so it'll be some instrumental hiphop and a bunch of stuff I haven't decided on yet.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Well I'm shamelessly plugging myself, but today I'm doing my last episode of The Communist Propaganda Show for a long time on Tune in at 4pm (UK time) if you can. Find me on facebook if you want a shoutout, and if you like what you hear, do not hesitate to tell me :) I'm just playing a bunch of my favorites today, so it'll be some instrumental hiphop and a bunch of stuff I haven't decided on yet.
Is it possible to listen to any archived broadcasts?
Yeah I visited the site but I had trouble getting the showlinks to work or figuring out which ones might be yours. Maybe I'm just too distract-able.
Please know that I mean it with no offense but I also find I tend to not take people seriously when they use terms like electronica or EDM to talk about varieties of donce music. I guess it's nice to have umbrella words for the lot, but it's something I tend to associate with magazines that don't know what they're talking about or youngsters / the people that consume the clueless media. I'm not sure if where you're from there's a lot of trainspotting twats like me so you might not have a problem. : )
Techno means something very specific actually. Even more specific now that some minimal lovers don't want to be thrown into that lot anymore.
Maybe I'll write a dance music primer hahahahha.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
To be honest genres are a bunch of bullshit, most of the time. You can basically categorize everything I play as either electronic or folk. Within these it can be all kinds of stuff. rap, hip hop, trip-hop... I find I know what to call something built with samples, but once people start using synths and drum machines for everything, it gets really hard to classify.

EDIT: indeed you can hear my previous shows! Right here!
Yeah genre is often a tool that looks more useful than it is. Vibe is something that has more to do with experience however and is hard to explain to people. I'll have to download an episode of two for after I finish this science fiction audiobook. I've found I've really warmed up to trip hop and downtempo sample-fuckery after having a relistened to some stuff on those old mushroom jazz compilations.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Vibe is a good idea! I think I'll start using that a bit more. If you move away from such a loaded word like a genre, you have the freedom to use the english language instead.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
We were talking about UR on one of these threads but I don't know which one. I'm trying to cut some multicolored cards right now (just to try to make the cube smaller). There were some anti-Mercurial Chemister posts. Why? He says U, T: Draw 2 cards. Is that not awesome? We don't get to draft my cube too much, so I can't quote any experience.

Dom Harvey

eh, paying and tapping to draw cards is pedestrian compared to what a lot of blue or red 5-drops can do, let alone cards that are both of them.


experientially he's pretty underpowered. like he's not even much of a bomb in limited -- an excellent rare, sure, but one they have a little time to answer.

izzet: izzet charm, new niv-mizzet, electrolyze, fire//ice, ral zarek

Chris Taylor


Jason Waddell

Staff member
I attended 8 straight hours of meetings in Dutch today (with a two-hour commute on both ends of the day), so now my brain is a pot of melted butter.

Somewhere in the world, somebody has the job of listening to songs and asking the question "would this song be great for a Grey's Anatomy montage?".
I always wanted to learn Dutch. I'm pretty jealous.

I found out I need a filling today... And ummm maybe I'll go to the gym or something.

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Today I sampled some records, juggled in Hyde Park and uh... ate some hummus. Now I'm watching terrible terrible TV with my flatmates. Maybe later I'll stare at my cube list a bit. Good times.


mono-red: there's an old tournament report about this guy who played apocalypse back in the era of tolarian academy. i agree it's interesting that the red decks looked like that even then -- in fact, the concept of a 'mana curve' was invented by Tempest-block-era red players. this trend culminates in today's 'curve-out aggro' red decks, and though 'burn' is still a thing in modern and legacy, the cube decks resemble far more closely the curve-out decks of long ago and present day. mainly because of the card pool issues barnello discusses.