back in HS some friends would play LHE during lunch (1/2) and keep track in 'units of fun' on a piece of paper to circumvent the asinine gambling statutes. would that we could still use that workaround vs. US online poker laws.

i am told the 'x' terminology for card values during trades (as opposed to '$x') was used for the same reason, originating at the old WotC flagship on university ave. back in the day. that place was a slice of heaven. absurd to consider that it only existed for three years. other cities suck

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
My friends and I once invented unis of sneakiness. I think 1 Fhoo was the sneakiness required for a ninja to sneak up on a blind person. It's a very small unit.
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I think a nice date might cost a little more than that. Especially if it involves eating and bouncing around a little.

I'm not sure if I should go with the night out of drug fueled debauchery as my high watermark standard because it feels like prices are awfully regional on quality party tickets // alcohol // etc and with conservative estimates you would only be taking care of yourself and that isn't really what you are shooting for.

Cubing is free but that fits into a lot of examples where it requires some amount of work // investment to be a door opener.

I dunno I like excesses and simple pleasures. Maybe I'm not the best for this. Buy a couple modular board games? Role playing manuals and some wine? People who play music seem pretty happy, I guess people enjoy playing music, does that cost a lot of money.

Dom Harvey

Go to a currency exchange and swap dollars for pounds back and forth. You feel like you've bought something, you get to hold the Queen's image, and you haven't even spent any money!

Dom Harvey

Random question...anyone live in the SF Bay Area and want to work on designing original games? I am looking to start a workshop environment to work together on our own ideas.


true story, i run azusa and she's sweet. i'm also trying to brew with her in Modern but she's not as sweet.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Azusa + Loam + Walk the Aeons

you're welcome

Even more inelegant than Galepowder + Eternal Witness + Time Warp


have fun with that comment section yall

Uh, yeah, that article. I know it's been said before but I find the editing on SCG to be pretty awful.

One really weird thing about the article is that it never cared to address the difference between Magic players and Magic spectators. Like, if you're interested in the NFL it's because you're an NFL spectator, not because you "play NFL". How many of those 10 million even know there is a Pro Tour, or would consider themselves to be in the viewership base for such a product.

Next, it never really hit what there is to gain by having more viewership. I mean at a high level. The Pro Tour exists to give some purpose, structure and meaning to all sanctioned Magic play. All the way to the FNM level. The best thing it can do for Wizards is exist.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
It'd be like if the guy estimated the viewership base of Formula 1 as the number of people with drivers licenses.