Chris Taylor
Dorian seems like a huge trap actually 
Not only do you need to untap with it, but you also need the top card to also be a Creature, and he's still probably not great even then.
How many draw steps pay for this guy?
Dusk at loses a ton of value by not being next to life tap, and the rest are just kinda... There... Holy water looks alright but clone-tounge kavu is hardly something I feel my cube needs, and oooo doll is pretty pedestrian by magic standards.
Not only do you need to untap with it, but you also need the top card to also be a Creature, and he's still probably not great even then.
How many draw steps pay for this guy?
Dusk at loses a ton of value by not being next to life tap, and the rest are just kinda... There... Holy water looks alright but clone-tounge kavu is hardly something I feel my cube needs, and oooo doll is pretty pedestrian by magic standards.