
I am now the proud owner of a Reno deck for every class. That's 9 Reno decks.
I plan to do the same thing with C'thun when it releases.


Ecstatic Orb
Reno is a pretty awesome card. I've seen Kibler play a Reno rogue deck with ambush to seed his opponent's deck with multiple copies of a card to prevent him from Reno-ing. That was awesome :)

Chris Taylor

I dunno, I consider it a bit of a failure how many games It seems go down to fatigue. Reno is an interesting card that should affect your deckbuilding in an interesting way (Play EDH!) but in practice seems to be a stronger, beefier healbot that incentivises people to play with a mod that tracks what's left in their deck?

Maybe I'm fulla shit though
I mean, this is definitely a subjective area. Reno is objectively a powerful card, but is he fun? Well, that depends. I personally find that in Hearthstone games typically follow one of a few dynamics:
1-Aggro vs aggro (fun): horse race! Both players are constantly weighing the benefits of going face vs. going board. Lots of "who's the beatdown here?" problem-solving going on.
2-Aggro vs aggro (not fun): oops, bad mull! One player stumbles and gets blown out by the faster mulligan of the other player. Since aggro decks have no real tools to stabilize, there's no way to comeback from the opponent's fast clock.
3-Control vs aggro (fun): Q&A! the aggro player establishes tempo early and tries to maintain it long enough to close out. The control player is weighing tempo vs value as they try to figure out when and where to use removal, which removal pieces to use, can I get greedy and wait to heal, etc.
4-Control vs aggro (not fun for control): OH SHIT I MULLED INTO ALL 5 DROPS CONCEDE
5-Control vs aggro (not fun for aggro): it's turn 5, and WHY ARE MY BOARD AND HAND EMPTY AND THEY'VE GOT A YETI AND 5 CARDS CONCEDE
6-Control vs control (fun): both players try to out value each other and the game goes to fatigue. Eventually you're throwing haymakers back and forth out of your near-full hands, trying to find that one weak link in your opponent's armor. Sometimes, one or both of you spank the Golden Monkey and lulz ensue.
7-Control vs control (not fun): oops, bad mull! One player stumbles and suddenly the other player's beating down with a 2-3 power value duder uncontested for several turns. Stumbled-player gets to about 17 life and realizes "shit they could combo right now... Do I have a way to stop it? ...No?" and then they die.

I find that Reno generally encourages situations 5 and 6, but YMMV


Ecstatic Orb
It's like saying Magic isn't fun when one player has to mull into oblivion. Which is true, but also inherent of the random nature of deck building games like Magic and Hearthstone.

PS. I beat a Reno warrior deck that cast Reno twice yesterday, and it was a pretty interesting fight. I also like that playing around certain cards becomes easier, because once you've seen a single copy, there's probably not another copy in their deck. Earlier this week I was pretty comfortable against a Reno lock at 3 life, because he already had cast Darkbomb (don't remember if he already cast Hellfire though).

Chris Taylor

Can't wait to make Reno Rogue a real thing with Thistle Tea. Three Shadowsteps? Don't mind if I do!

I just can't get over how much worse a rate thistle tea is compared to sprint :p

How is everyone finding the Whispers of the old gods previews so far? I love the recombombulator +1 with a yeti body, (Yeah he could be a cool magic card with an ETB birthing pod trigger! :D), and whisps of the old gods seems like if it had different numbers on it, it'd be an amazing magic card (Like can you imagine something that was like 5 mana, worse overrun or token spell?)

I mean they are nerfing like most everything, so my context is surely warped from what it will be once those hit, but still.

Favorites anyone? Things you think need to be printed in a magic set soon? :p
I love basically all the shaman cards, I like-to-love the old gods themselves, and I like the rogue cards.
I shouldn't like, but do anyway, that most of the epics (with a couple obvious exceptions) are hot garbage. It seems like the power is concentrated at rare and legendary in this set, which is fine by me, because I'm a looooooong way from crafting epics.

Chris Taylor

Man though, Yogg Saron was cool until I thught about it:

For 10 mana, I will Pyroblast myself, Flash Heal You, Velen's Chosen your creature and Polymorph Yogg Saron (It explicitly states in the FAQ for this card that this can happen)

Or on the other hand, I'll flamestrike, Echo of Mediev and Force of Nature Twice :p
Actually someone made a simulator of what casting Yogg does to the board, and after ~1000 iterations the caster ended up ahead 78% of the time. Is that good enough to make Legend? I mean, someone will probably do it.
By the way, Yogg reminds me of a philosophy from MOBA gaming: "when your team is ahead, do everything you can to reduce variance. When your team is behind, do everything you can to increase variance." The idea is that if you're losing, risky plays favor you, since if you continue as normal you'll just keep losing. Yogg is exactly that kind of card - the further behind you are, the more tempting his offer of ULTIMATE CHAOS becomes. In other words he's probably a pretty decent Turn 10 Comeback card for spell-heavy control decks, and if that 78% statistic holds any water, he's pretty good when cast at relative parity too.
I've 8-3'd with Paladin a couple times lately, once focusing on getting 2-drops and another time drafting two Consecrations and five(!) Keepers of Uldaman. I like the heartharena tier list for evaluating draft picks.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
I just installed Hearthstone last night for the first time in about two years... where should I start? Arena? Or one of those single-player expansions?


Ecstatic Orb
I just installed Hearthstone last night for the first time in about two years... where should I start? Arena? Or one of those single-player expansions?

League of Explorers gives you some nice cards that make for fun deckbuilding. Reno Jackson is a constructed staple, and his ability conveniently asks that you play a highlander deck, so you don't need expensive duplicates. Plus, the single player adventures are just plain fun :)


Ecstatic Orb
Okay, cool! Are all those single player thingies free, or...?

Nooooo... Sadly not. It's 700 gold per wing iirc, or a bunch of money (like, 20 dollar for all LoE wings, and even more for Blackrock Mountain (though you get less cards for that adventure)). I do think it's the funnest part of Hearthstone though. 700 is not that hard to get though, takes a little over a week to collect through quests. Assuming you're not in a hurry, this is a perfectly viable way to enjoy Hearthstone! Remember to replace a 40 gold quest each day, as there are quests that give 50, 60 or even 100 gold as well. Remember that the Tavern, Play and Arena matches reward you with 10 gold for every 3 wins as well.

I got even more tips though :) Playing the tavern brawl gives you a free booster for the first win (and the first win only). Also, there are a bunch of hidden quests that reward you with a bunch of gold to help you off to a nice start. See http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/12329352975.
My advice: spend $20 on League of Explorers, buy Blackrock with gold if/when you feel like it, and play a lot of arena and casual. League is seriously head and shoulders above the rest of the games content in terms of both fun and expected value. Every legend is not just "playable" but is actually the centerpiece of decks in which its played, and the other rewards are widely viable too.


Ecstatic Orb
My advice: spend $20 on League of Explorers, buy Blackrock with gold if/when you feel like it, and play a lot of arena and casual. League is seriously head and shoulders above the rest of the games content in terms of both fun and expected value. Every legend is not just "playable" but is actually the centerpiece of decks in which its played, and the other rewards are widely viable too.

Pretty spot on, exactly what I did actually :)

Also, followed up my 0-3 rogue arena run with an 8-3 rogue arena run. Yay!