

Ecstatic Orb
Agreed on most of those, but is there something I'm missing about flamewreathed faceless?

Lol, the spoiler got the numbers wrong. It's a 7/7 for 4, which is humongous! Plus it slots nicely into my shaman overload deck :)

They're slowing down the game so non-druid classes get to actually cast 10-drops like new Deathwing or the Old Gods, so yeah the power level of Commons is going down. RIP my golden Shredders (jk I'm gonna play a ton of Wild)
I played a game at PAX East this weekend called Star Crusade, which is basically a sci-fi ripoff of Hearthstone. It was really good. Each character has three hero powers instead of one--usually one passive, one that costs mana, and one that essentially has a cooldown timer--and, they're customizable. You can build your deck around which set of hero powers you've decided to go with. The aesthetic quality is comparable to Hearthstone as well. It's not out for iOS yet, but you can play for free on Steam right now.

The developer announced that he would purchase a board game at a nearby booth for anyone who could beat him. So, I practiced against a friend for a bit with the mercenary-class pre-con they had, and then managed to just barely take him down. Walked away with a brand new copy of Concordia :)


Ecstatic Orb
Well, I dealt with the Paladin blues alright! 12-2, my first 12 wins ever, with this beauty! Muster for Battle is such an insane card, and having two is ridiculous! It combo'd extremely well with Knife Juggler, Cult Master and Equality!



Ecstatic Orb
You haven't lived until you've gone Fandral Staghelm into double Raven Idol, find Aviana, drop her with a taunt out, then on the next turn go Brann Bronzebeard into Azure Drake (draw two) into two buff C'Thun creatures (buff four times) into C'Thun (ping for 19 twice) :) C'Thun is so cheesy, but damn is it satisfying to pull off :D And Fandral? Oh my, what an awesome card!
Oh man this Tavern Brawl is the best. A good reason to log on, fast quests, just the coolest thing.

I think that I've solved the format (5-0 so far)

Living Roots & Power of the Wild

Edit:Also insane is Ice block & fireball


Ecstatic Orb
Oh man this Tavern Brawl is the best. A good reason to log on, fast quests, just the coolest thing.

I think that I've solved the format (5-0 so far)

Living Roots & Power of the Wild

Edit:Also insane is Ice block & fireball

Only played the one match for the booster, but I got an easy win with
Innervate & Sylvanas Windrunner

I <3 the idea of this brawl though, it's awesome! I want to try out
Fandral Staghelm & Raven Idol
Tried the Coldlight Oracle / Naturalize mill deck, won a couple games and then lost to turn one Innervate / Yogg-Saron.


Fandral/Idol is good but you draw so many Fandrals. Idol/Roots actually felt stronger. The Ice Block decks are really good but die to fatigue or poor draws.


Ecstatic Orb
Fandral/Idol is good but you draw so many Fandrals. Idol/Roots actually felt stronger. The Ice Block decks are really good but die to fatigue or poor draws.
Fandral/Idol, I discovered, causes you to fizzle Idols because your hand is full with Fandrals that you can't cast. It's not a great combo. I lost to a t3 Mechwarper/Metaltooth Leaper swarm strategy. Pretty savage o_O
I'm still really really loving the t9 Sylvanas / wipe their board play against C'thun decks. Nothing better than stealing their C'thun and killing them with it, though I wish they wouldn't concede before I get to.
Shaman has been fun this season, but seeing how zoolock and control warrior has been popular, I've lost toooooo many games.

Also, add me: snorful #2580
Why on earth did I read this thread? You assholes got me to reinstall Hearthstone (well... install Hearthstone for the first time on this new laptop). I hope you're happy with yourselves.

Oh hey, Patron Warrior is still a thing. Guess I know what I'm playing.

Chris Taylor

Anyone do the tavern brawl this week yet? Normally I throw back the "Win 5 Tavern Brawls" Quest, but I'm 6-1 so far :p


Ecstatic Orb
Anyone do the tavern brawl this week yet? Normally I throw back the "Win 5 Tavern Brawls" Quest, but I'm 6-1 so far :p
I racked up over 50 wins and probably twice as much games. This was a hilarious brawl! My favorite wins were with Wilfred Fizzlebang, Aviana and Edwin van Cleef. My favorite loss was against a friend on the draw: t1 Play into four Cho's into Coin, opponent Coins three times (putting 10 in my hand), I can't draw cards anymore :)

Chris Taylor

I had a sweet one where I mulled nat pagle and cho, and drew rend backhand and Etc, then won off the back of t2 key thuzad, t3 Kel thuzad, t4 kel thuzad :p
in non-Brawl news I got to cast the same Raven Idol four times with Fandral out, that was really, really fun. Kinda want to craft Yogg so I can play Miracle Druid now.
got a gold n'zoth in a pack. He summons gold versions of your dead minions. really looking forward to being 'that guy' from now on.

Also, I crafted Yogg. I'm working on a hybrid Yoggzoth Miracle druid brew and oh my gosh it's so fun and actually really powerful.