Sets [IKO] Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths


Fine, WotC. You win. This is too fun.


Ecstatic Orb

Illuna, Apex of Wishes is both an Elemental and a Dinosaur, creature types that matter in my cube in these colors! I should be hyped! Hyped!


Buuuuuuuut they made it a 6/6 flying, trample for five mana (or an easier to cast "aura" with the same stats for 6 that draws a nonland card and puts it on the battlefield if it's a permanent, which might be even more insane depending on what you mutate onto and what you draw). :( I get that the apex predators are supposed to be bonkers, but how am I supposed to reconcile that statline with my cube's power level? So far I haven't seen a single card that has me going. "Oh snap! That's going right into my cube!", and they obviously started with the big guns, the cards that are supposed to be dropping your jaw. We're not close to revealing half of the set, but the first day of spoilers were a bit of a meh for me.

The following cards are maybes for me: Gyruda, Doom of Depths, Keruga, the Macrosage (the {U/B} and {G/U} companions), Luminous Broodmoth, Grimdancer, and Crystal Giant

gyrudadoomofdepths.jpg kerugathemacrosage.jpg luminousbroodmoth.jpg grimdancer1.jpg

The artifact is Crystal Giant: At the beginning of your turn's combat, randomly choose one of the counters that aren't on crystal giant (of the 10 types of counters in this set). Put a counter of that type on Crystal Giant.

Edit: Oh, the images aren't loading. I'll have to add those later, when I'm on my computer.
The spoilers feel a little weird, strange.

- We don’t have many clean, short-worded cards.
- We get so many new cards spoiled/hour because spoiler season is 1 week instead of 2.
- We see a lot of asian names. Kind of like Kamigawa. When closing my eyes I can’t name most of the new legendary cards like I normally can.

All above is alright but it is very different. I think it messes with people’s heads. At least I know it does with with my head a bit.

When the set is all revealed and people have been playing with it for some time, I think we will be very happy about the set. Personally I like mutate and even more so companion. Mutate is a little bit parasitic but not fully.

8/10 so far from Velrun
I don't know what to think about this set so far. So many spoilers are coming so fast, it's like drinking from a firehose, and the cards are so complex my eyes start to glaze over and I can't parse what's actually going on with them. I think I'll need to play with the set before I have an opinion on it.

That said, the only kaiju thing I've ever really liked is Pacific Rim. Where's my goddamn Jaegers?
8/10 so far from Velrun

Damn, I'm at like a 3/10. Mutate is super wordy. Companion is going to have everyone asking how it's enforced. None of my players are going to be able to keep track of ten different keyword counters. That said, they're showcasing the mechanics first, probably, and I'm sure there will be plenty of keepers in the more generic part of this set, like this one:


Something about the design just resonates to me. It's such a simple combination of things and it's so potent at instant speed. Unfortunately, it had to be multicolored, so it won't make the cut for most people, but I think it's probably good for anyone running 5cmc reanimation. The black cube can run any number of golgari cards, but I might be a little too high powered there for this effect. Either way, I think the design is really clean and that makes me happy.
Yeah I'm going to be ever the optimist in these spoiler threads, I think we're getting a bunch of sweet cards. Really liking the way WotC are handling enchantment and artifact removal with modal spells now a days.
Jaegers aren't until Return to Ikoria six to seven years from now, if or when the set does well ;)
Also I would completely play Back for More if I had a Golgari section... maybe I should go back to wedge colors... but I've already changed my colors based on this thread like six different times...
This set may put back my forum post of my cube back another six months hahaha
I've actually been playing chill to the bone since like the alpha of my cube so blood curdle is just a straight upgrade


Ecstatic Orb
Shredded Sails is pretty good for limited, but not something I'm interested in, I think. I'm going to withhold my judgment until more of the set is revealed, but so far I'm with Brad.

Edit: At first I was like, sweet! A wedge set! That means new possible includes for some of my wedges! But the power level on those Apexes is so pushed!

again, two very nice spoilers! it seems like wizards prints only sweet multicoloured cards in the right guilds for me. :D

Enforcer actually looks pretty playable in my list, as there actually are some legendary humans in W/B. being a 2/3 roadblock is something I dislike at cc2, but multicoloured and especially in WB I think it's fine. gy-hate and token producer is another +, both being very relevant in my environment.

Call of the Death-Dweller just looks fckng sweet!


Ecstatic Orb
Told ya!

Just give this set until you have tried to play with it and you will get closer to 8/10 instead of 3/10.

That's why I was withholding my (final) judgment :)

Truth be told, I missed the commanders. This one's pretty perfect for my cube, I think.


Two relevant creature types, and nice build-around potential!