Inscho's Graveyard Combo Cube

The timing on our posts is too funny
Have you given up on the Berserkers game plan?
That might be more of a supporting cast than an archetype though.

Yeah, I still like it for giving Aggro a combo quality, but I think it might be better as icing on the cake than a dedicated deck

the Manual is usually a second Sneak Attack.

Have you tested it? It’s intriguing

Jinnie Fay has been an amazing payoff for
all the artifacts you can produce. Turning inoffensive game pieces into real threats.

This may be a legitimate path once the new Eldraine set releases. It feels a couple connective pieces shy of what I’d like to see at the moment.

I admittedly didn’t take this card very seriously when it was spoiled, but it has a lot of potential!

Oh, I forgot one card I’m looking hard at for the Gruul Turboland deck:

I love that it’s both Exploration fuel and a win condition in one card. I don’t like that it costs 3, does nothing by itself, and is not appealing to any other color pairings.
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Scattered thoughts:

Monster Manual

Do you usually Sneak Attack on turn four and hope to untap with it or do you jam it on 5 and activate it right away?
If the latter then they are somewhat comparable since they both get the fatty down on the same turn.
I haven’t played it yet, but I tend to cast Sneak Attack asap, so the comparison makes sense to me.

Gruul turbo land

You have Radha as a much needed land from top of library with Fastbond and Exploration, but i think that having Augur is nice since you get to run Escape. This allows you to refill in a big way and continue developing your mana.
Explore works similarly but at a more affordable price point.

Valakut has been good in my slower MP cube, but the 3 mana has turned me off it for my 1vs1 cube. However, with Fastbond, Exploration and 1 mana mana dorks it can be a good. I think big draw engines like Escape and Wheel of Fortune could make it more reliable.
I’ve had it in controlling Boros decks where it looked good:

Or in 4-5 color Omnath, Locus of Creation decks.

By the way, what is your take on Golos, Tireless Pilgrim for Green artifacts? I really like the bridge it creates between lands and artifacts. Tutors your Saga, Academy or Cradle and plays well with Welder and friends.

Midrangey monsters would benefit from these 2 IMO.

The Emissary is kind of like the Rootwallas to the discard deck at higher power level for me. Free creature for Vengevine as well.

The Greeters is a nice bridge between your artifact sacrifice deck and the monsters. You can either grow it big or use it for mana for the higher end of your curve.

Probably not quite fleshed out enough, plus you cut the triomes. Those burn spells are appealing though!

With all of this mana from sacrificing artifacts or turbo lands, Shivan Devastator becomes interesting especially if ou have a monsters deck.
Monster Manual

Do you usually Sneak Attack on turn four and hope to untap with it or do you jam it on 5 and activate it right away?
If the latter then they are somewhat comparable since they both get the fatty down on the same turn.
I haven’t played it yet, but I tend to cast Sneak Attack asap, so the comparison makes sense to me.

It depends on the matchup, the hand, and when you can catch an opponent tapped out. Sneak being able to drop multiple hasted threats in a single turn changes the calculus a lot compared to something like Manual.

I do like that the manual activation is instant speed. Being an artifact is always a bigger deal than it seems on paper. The Adventure, while expensive, is some nice built in value. It still feels a bit weird next to top shelf reanimation, but it might be better than it looks.

It has also made a minimal showing in legacy, so maybe it's worth testing:

Gruul turbo land


You have Radha as a much needed land from top of library with Fastbond and Exploration, but i think that having Augur is nice since you get to run Escape. This allows you to refill in a big way and continue developing your mana.
Explore works similarly but at a more affordable price point.

Good points on these. Augur aids the sacrifice deck and creature heavy decks as well which is a nice bonus. I wish Escape played better with Sneak Attack...

Midrangey monsters would benefit from these 2 IMO.


The Emissary is kind of like the Rootwallas to the discard deck at higher power level for me. Free creature for Vengevine as well.

The Greeters is a nice bridge between your artifact sacrifice deck and the monsters. You can either grow it big or use it for mana for the higher end of your curve.

Emissary is interesting. It's just tough to find slots for everything lol.

I briefly tested Greeters, but the tapped Treasure token bothered me so much that I cut it. There's just no way to really abuse it. It represents a lot of value over several turns, but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for here.

Probably not quite fleshed out enough, plus you cut the triomes. Those burn spells are appealing though!

I think the domain zoo deck is super cool, but not for this cube. Wild Nacatl and company just outclass the madness deck's threats and the hurdles it jumps through to generate comparable bodies early.

Territorial Kavu is fine, because it just needs to be a 3/3, and it's two triggers are very relevant for my environment.

By the way, what is your take on Golos, Tireless Pilgrim for Green artifacts? I really like the bridge it creates between lands and artifacts. Tutors your Saga, Academy or Cradle and plays well with Welder and friends.
Golos is cool. I forgot to include it when cradle and academy came back. Another card to find room for!
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Lost Caverns of Ixalan looks to be an above average set for the GCC with 9 cards being tested. My thoughts on the set here. Really excited with the influx of 1cmc roleplaying critters to the mix, and I hope they don't prove to be too low impact. I'm definitely sad to see some old standbys dethroned after being in the cube for several years, but I'm excited by their replacements!
Started reviewing my guild archetypes, and realizing how out of whack things have gotten over the last few months. A lot of redundancies, and I’m craving some new archetypes…with more highs and lows

Going to do a little bit of an overhaul as I try to bring back some of the spirit of the v1 list

Storm and tokens are on the shortlist of things to bring back

Very excited about:

and the return of:

as well a nice infusion of MH3:

and maybe more

stay tuned!
Started reviewing my guild archetypes, and realizing how out of whack things have gotten over the last few months. A lot of redundancies, and I’m craving some new archetypes…with more highs and lows

Going to do a little bit of an overhaul as I try to bring back some of the spirit of the v1 list

Storm and tokens are on the shortlist of things to bring back

Very excited about:

and the return of:

as well a nice infusion of MH3:

and maybe more

stay tuned!
Very exciting, to see where this takes you! I plan to include all of these (nonland) cards plus another 10 or so, we definitely share some design goals ;).
Ahhhh! I immediately forgot about Crow Storm again, will have to steal this idea from you.

If I may, I’d suggest looking into Chatterstorm too. It’s been uniquely good in creature combo decks with stuff like Skullclamp, Earthcraft, Yawgmoth and Cradle. I also run Warren Soultrader and Insidious Roots as more ways to convert tokens into mana.
What is great is that it's a payoff or an enabler and Green is very well set up to using all of the tokens.

Storm and tokens are on the shortlist of things to bring back
I was complaining about lack of fodder for sacrifice decks and tokens in general, MH3 has got you covered on that front. Happy brewing!