I feel the same way. What I also don't like about Battlefield Scavenger is that you only loot if you exert him, which you can only do any other turn if you want to consistently loot with him.
What's cool about Ravenous Bloodseeker though is that you can pitch cards anytime and as often as you want (only as often ). He is also better on defense, but I can see why you wouldn't run because he is not too aggressive. However, is is just me, or is the madness deck halfway between aggro and midrange? It also grinds well with flashback cards, Vengevine, Gutterbones, and delve cards and the such.
To be fair, a bear that loots on every attack would be incredibly good. We wouldn't get that.
And yeah, the madness decks can definitely be pretty midrangey, depending on how you guild your cube. However, in my cube it is more aggro for sure. It can be even faster and more explosive than the typical gowide aggro decks.