General "Looking for a card"-Thread

I feel the same way. What I also don't like about Battlefield Scavenger is that you only loot if you exert him, which you can only do any other turn if you want to consistently loot with him.

What's cool about Ravenous Bloodseeker though is that you can pitch cards anytime and as often as you want (only as often ). He is also better on defense;), but I can see why you wouldn't run because he is not too aggressive. However, is is just me, or is the madness deck halfway between aggro and midrange? It also grinds well with flashback cards, Vengevine, Gutterbones, and delve cards and the such.

To be fair, a bear that loots on every attack would be incredibly good. We wouldn't get that.

And yeah, the madness decks can definitely be pretty midrangey, depending on how you guild your cube. However, in my cube it is more aggro for sure. It can be even faster and more explosive than the typical gowide aggro decks.
To be fair, a bear that loots on every attack would be incredibly good. We wouldn't get that.

And yeah, the madness decks can definitely be pretty midrangey, depending on how you guild your cube. However, in my cube it is more aggro for sure. It can be even faster and more explosive than the typical gowide aggro decks.

Can you give me an example curve of a typical and/or magical christmas-land aggro madness curve please?
yeah that's what I'd call the definition of a Christmas-land hand (which was asked for). On the play it's literally 100% of the cards seen so far (9 out of 9)
Oh yeah, make sure to discard Vengevine first!

Even when you just topdeck a land then, you'll deal 31 damage in the first 4 turns (assuming your opponent doesn't intervene obviously). And while it is clearly magical christmas land, some of those cards are even replaceable.

How is Berserk in cube? Does it get picked often early or more like "eh, i'll squeeze it in" ?

I quite like it. It's a combat trick that plays nice with double strike, flying, other stuff we want players to be doing anyway, and it's one of the biggest reasons for me to go into a 'berserkers' archetype, where you take early chip damage and then do a Temur Battle Rage/Become Immense type shenanigans for surprise lethal. Berserk is very strong and usually goes in the first couple picks IME (In My Environment).
I quite like it. It's a combat trick that plays nice with double strike, flying, other stuff we want players to be doing anyway, and it's one of the biggest reasons for me to go into a 'berserkers' archetype, where you take early chip damage and then do a Temur Battle Rage/Become Immense type shenanigans for surprise lethal. Berserk is very strong and usually goes in the first couple picks IME (In My Environment).

Agreed on all points except it wheels a bit in my format....but that may be more due to the lack of clear aggro creatures in green. It is p1p1 quality afaic.

I like that it gives Berserkers a combo component, but can easily see how people view it as a "feelbad" card, and omit it for that reason.
This is very cool! Please post more about it.

Well the theory is that Reyhan, Last of the Abzan will act as a sort of "cross-over" lord for +1/+1 counters and aristocrats type strategies, as it works pretty well with just one or the other, but especially well with both together when you can sacrifice your creatures whenever you want. In addition, several of the aristocrats-type cards also deal with +1/+1 counters anyway: Carrion Feeder, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Hangarback Walker, Persist/Undying Creatures, and there's more I don't play like Varolz, the Scar-Striped or Algae Gharial/Lumberknot. This means you can build towards a situation where you can feed your whole board to various creatures, increasing counters every time, until you can dump everything on an unblocked creature or Walking Ballista for the win.
I'm currently broadening my core archetypes by letting them bleed into one or two other colors. For that, I am now looking for cards, that make you wanna splash black when you're drafting that archetype. The deck is usually build with cards like:

I do already have a sacrifice theme in black (and red), so there is already some synergy with stuff like:

But yet it seems like it is not enough to convice people to go for Abzan tokens instead of only Selesnya or Naya. So what other cards could be interesting for a green-white deck, that floods the board with small dudes? It can be mono black as well as Golgari/Orzhov. Token producer or payoff of some kind. I think we just want 1 or 2 really tempting cards and we're there.

Thanks in advance!