General "Looking for a card"-Thread


Ecstatic Orb

This card is easier to support when you run a bunch of tokens.

Anthem effects do more in a token deck, plus this even makes tokens!

Explicit token support, though you do need to build in enough support for the other part of her to matter.

Good dude that leaves behind a token when he dies.

Both the +1 and the ultimate are great in token decks.

Higher power than Vraska. Both can create tokens and pump the team.
Oh yeah, some of these new orzhov cards seem really interesting! The walkers are no consideration for my walker-less cube, but would be good obviously.

Not so sure about Braids though. How oppressive has she been in your experience? Something like Awakening Zone or Squirrel Nest into Braids just scares me a bit.

Not sure if any of these are good or what you are looking for

Bitterblossom is too powerful for my meta, Spider Spawning is already in. But damn, that Marsh Flitter looks sweet! Definitely going to test her. Thanks!

On a related note, what do you guys think of this guy? You most likely have to untap with him, but the same is true for Talrand, Sky Summoner, who has been really really good for us, and I feel like in the right deck, Endrek could do something similar.



Ecstatic Orb
Oh yeah, some of these new orzhov cards seem really interesting! The walkers are no consideration for my walker-less cube, but would be good obviously.

Not so sure about Braids though. How oppressive has she been in your experience? Something like Awakening Zone or Squirrel Nest into Braids just scares me a bit.
Braids / Smokestack decks have historically underperformed in my cube. Not that the players really mind, it's a cool deck to play with, but it definitely hasn't been oppressive.

Wait, hold that thought. It has been really, really good, back when I still ran fast mana and the Utility Land Draft. I remember opening on t1 Plains, Mox Diamond, Phyrexian Legionnaire, t2 attack for 3, Phyrexian Tower, sac Legionnaire, Braids, Cabal Minion. My opponent had the cheap burn spell to kill braids in response to the trigger, but by that time I was 2 mana ahead on board. The deck never has been as good since then though, since it's just harder to land it before your opponent gets at least something going. A lower average cmc of my cube also prevents Braids from truly wrecking most opponents, since most will actually have cheap things to play, and maybe sac.
Seems janky. I feel like I would be wanting to get more out of my five drop but maybe it depends on the environment?

Compare it to

Which costs the same but gives you five bodies immediately
I'm currently broadening my core archetypes by letting them bleed into one or two other colors. For that, I am now looking for cards, that make you wanna splash black when you're drafting that archetype.

Thanks in advance!

I'm kind of surprised this hasn't come up yet:

This guy is a great aristocrats card, yet is also quite strong in token decks. He also helps support an artifacts-matter strategy, which If I am not mistaken is something you have shown interest in in the past. Although the rate of a 2/3 for 3 is fairly mediocre, the potential synergies this card provides ought to outweigh his small size.


Ecstatic Orb
I'm kind of surprised this hasn't come up yet:

This guy is a great aristocrats card, yet is also quite strong in token decks. He also helps support an artifacts-matter strategy, which If I am not mistaken is something you have shown interest in in the past. Although the rate of a 2/3 for 3 is fairly mediocre, the potential synergies this card provides ought to outweigh his small size.
I can vouch for this card. Been running it ever since the big Kaladesh overhaul, and it's a doozy. There's a lot of great interactions. Retrofitter Foundry, Cloudstone Curio, Braids, Cabal Minion, Abzan Falconer, Daretti, Scrap Savant and Inspired Charge all interact with it on a different axis, which just shows how versatile this card really is.
I’d be curious to hear what other people think of bitterblossom. I was thinking about ravinc’s comment and I’m aware that classically it is considered to be a very powerful card. In my environment it has never seemed to be TOO oppressive and the loss of life every then can end up being relevant and introduce a somewhat interesting tension in a lot of the games where I’ve seen it show up. But all that being said I am always on a quest to tone down the power spikes so I have been thinking about cutting it
I too run Weaponcraft Enthusiast, which people run unenthusiastically but is actually a great enabler for many, many archetypes. I remember it being great with Cranial Plating.

I don't think it's worth splashing, though.
I too run Weaponcraft Enthusiast, which people run unenthusiastically but is actually a great enabler for many, many archetypes. I remember it being great with Cranial Plating.

I don't think it's worth splashing, though.

I think it's the type of card you add to support one archetype that also happens to support multiple other archetypes, even if it's not something you'd be splashing for. Like, Molten Vortex is really at it's best in a lands matter type strategy with Life from the Loam, but it is also passible in a U/R Discard Shell with Drake Haven.

Just my thoughts.
Braids / Smokestack decks have historically underperformed in my cube. Not that the players really mind, it's a cool deck to play with, but it definitely hasn't been oppressive.

Wait, hold that thought. It has been really, really good, back when I still ran fast mana and the Utility Land Draft. I remember opening on t1 Plains, Mox Diamond, Phyrexian Legionnaire, t2 attack for 3, Phyrexian Tower, sac Legionnaire, Braids, Cabal Minion. My opponent had the cheap burn spell to kill braids in response to the trigger, but by that time I was 2 mana ahead on board. The deck never has been as good since then though, since it's just harder to land it before your opponent gets at least something going. A lower average cmc of my cube also prevents Braids from truly wrecking most opponents, since most will actually have cheap things to play, and maybe sac.

I might prox up a braids and give her a try, but I'm pretty sure that my environment is a bit too clunky for her to be fun and fair. Alternatively, I remembered this card. Opinion?

Seems janky. I feel like I would be wanting to get more out of my five drop but maybe it depends on the environment?

Compare it to

Which costs the same but gives you five bodies immediately

Seems to me to be a bit like comparing Hordeling Outburst to Squirrel Nest. One gives you immediate value and is therefor better in beatdown strategies. The other is slower but generates a lot of long-term-value. And black has the sac outlets and recursion to play around with his abilities.

I'm kind of surprised this hasn't come up yet:

This guy is a great aristocrats card, yet is also quite strong in token decks. He also helps support an artifacts-matter strategy, which If I am not mistaken is something you have shown interest in in the past. Although the rate of a 2/3 for 3 is fairly mediocre, the potential synergies this card provides ought to outweigh his small size.

Hm, I had him in for a while some time ago and noone seemed to pick him. He got replaced then with Dusk Urchins, which has proven to be a very fun and versatile card. I might give the aetherborn another chance though, if I can find room for both.
I'm going to test Marsh Flitter, Braids, Call to the Grave, Endrek and maybe the Enthusiast. Thanks!

Okay, but I got another one already. I'm also trying to expand my {B}{R} sacrifice/aristocrats archetype a bit into {W}. I have Maw of the Obzedat and a bunch of token makers, but I hope there is more good stuff in white. The sacrifice deck in my meta is not aggressive but somewhere between grindy midrange and control.

What cards would make you consider splashing {W} while drafting such a deck?
If you're willing to spend another gold slot:

This card is so key to the Orzhov/Mardu sacrifice decks in my cube that it is the last cut I'd ever make to my Orzhov section. It ensures you always have sacrifice fodder for the creatures that want fodder, but also acts as a sacrifice outlet for the creatures whose death triggers you want to enable. Very significantly, the tokens it creates are artifacts, which gives this card some synergistic utility outside of dedicated aristocrats builds.

If white's contribution to the aristocrats theme is mainly token generation, than Twilight Drover is very cubable imo. More narrow, but a fine and fun card if it has a place in a few possible decks:

I think Revolt cards are underrated as aristocrats cards, because the revolt gimmicks in Aether Revolt limited were built around bouncing and blinking, so it can be easy to forget that they are essentially death triggers with further upside. This is a great aristocrats card that will also make pretty much any other white deck:


Wow, I never knew the flipside was reuseable sac-outlet

I have a hard time evaluating this, but I am really tempted to test it. A little weird that the front has 0 power, looks like he should at least be a 1/3, but still, a great find. thanks.

Oh an I can confirm that Inspector is a great card, am running her for a while now. My group loves the card. From the rest, many seem to not really work with tokens. Or are a little too pushed maybe. And for the gold cards, I don't think I can make room for another {W/B} card besides Maw of the Obzedat, which I guess I like more than any of these.

If you're willing to spend another gold slot:

Hidden Stockpile

This card is so key to the Orzhov/Mardu sacrifice decks in my cube that it is the last cut I'd ever make to my Orzhov section. It ensures you always have sacrifice fodder for the creatures that want fodder, but also acts as a sacrifice outlet for the creatures whose death triggers you want to enable. Very significantly, the tokens it creates are artifacts, which gives this card some synergistic utility outside of dedicated aristocrats builds.

If white's contribution to the aristocrats theme is mainly token generation, than Twilight Drover is very cubable imo. More narrow, but a fine and fun card if it has a place in a few possible decks:

Twilight Drover

I think Revolt cards are underrated as aristocrats cards, because the revolt gimmicks in Aether Revolt limited were built around bouncing and blinking, so it can be easy to forget that they are essentially death triggers with further upside. This is a great aristocrats card that will also make pretty much any other white deck:

Solemn Recruit

Hidden Stockpile is awesome, and I like how it also works with Blink (a {W}{U}-theme in my cube that branches into {B} and {G}). It is my second favorite card for that after Maw, which is just the perfect bridge between tokens/gowide and sacrifice/aristocrats. Sadly I have only 3 gold slots for each guild and the other two are occupied by Regal Bloodlord and Cliffhaven Vampire, critical for the main Orzhov-archetype. But I'll be looking into some revolt cards for sure, thanks for the idea!

Drover is a card I have very fond memories of from Ravnica-Times, but it seems a little too narrow for cube imo.

Additionally, I found some interesting death trigger cards in white and I would love to hear your opinions on those:


Chris Taylor

Ministrant has been solid, especially if you can recur it in any way (Alesha is a personal favorite) and is a totally fine creature on its own

Promise is muuuuuch wider on the good/bad spectrum. when it's good it feels really unfair, but when its bad it's not even worth the paper you proxied it on. I wish I had something better to be running, but the aristocrats deck in my cube has been like 90% {R}{B}, 10% literally anything else, so I want more cards encouraging you to try different colors.
FWIW I am always annoyed that the Promise of Bunrei spirits don't have flying. I imagine it predates the 1/1 flying spirit as a staple token, so I can't blame the card, but you definitely run the risk of drafters giving an imperfect reading and assuming the spirits fly (I know it took me at least a few readings of the card before I noticed that--crazy how our brains automatically create shortcuts like that!)

Chris Taylor

FWIW I am always annoyed that the Promise of Bunrei spirits don't have flying. I imagine it predates the 1/1 flying spirit as a staple token, so I can't blame the card, but you definitely run the risk of drafters giving an imperfect reading and assuming the spirits fly (I know it took me at least a few readings of the card before I noticed that--crazy how our brains automatically create shortcuts like that!)

Yet more reasons I hate this card I'm nearly obligated into running :p
I played with Ministrant (2x) in an Allegiance draft and it was the cog that made my deck work well. If it came down on T3, it could often chip in for 2-4 damage while the villain didn't want to give me the spirits, and then was good sac. fodder for Final Payment and Undercity Scavenger. If I needed to be defensive it stalled a big dude for a few turns while I made land drops or sat behind Ill-Gotten Inheritance. The card just felt good to play with and did a lot for me flexibly.
Hey guys, I'm looking for a white card, that rewards you for playing Artifacts. I would prefer something, that works with a not too hard commitment, like for example my blue payoff card Thopter Spy Network. Any ideas?
All of these seem pretty interesting. Despite doing different things, I can see our artifact heavy decks wanting all of these. If you can answer this, how would you rank them (and maybe Myrsmith alongside)?

I probably have to test all 4 of them anyway ^^
All of these seem pretty interesting. Despite doing different things, I can see our artifact heavy decks wanting all of these. If you can answer this, how would you rank them (and maybe Myrsmith alongside)?

I probably have to test all 4 of them anyway ^^

I've played with Myrsmith before, it's a really fun build-around for low powered cubes. I can even see it being decent in a higher powered list as long as it's short of ActualPower.

For general power ratings, I'd rank them as:
-Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle
-Daring Archaeologist
-D'Avenant Trapper (I really don't think this card is that good without a really high as-fan of historic cards.)