General "Looking for a card"-Thread

Great to hear. I tend to play the Smith and either Teshar or the Archaeologist. The thing Myrsmith has going for it is, that he could help linking the artifact theme and the token archetype further in white (like gds described in his outstanding post in the artifact thread). There are already some good elements for it in my cube:



Ecstatic Orb
-D'Avenant Trapper (I really don't think this card is that good without a really high as-fan of historic cards.)
I run the Trapper in my cube, and it's much better than I thought. For one, it's fairly easy to get a decent number of legendaries into your white section, meaning a good chunk of your creature base can trigger this. In addition, this is a human, which is great for the human synergies in white (i.e. both the double Champion of the Parish and the Thalias's Lieutenant in my cube). Third, it's got three power, which means it actually gets to be a threat itself, unlike most tappers in white. And last, but certainly not least, it's tap ability is free real estate! You can develop as normal, and even can do tricky things like saving up for two tap triggers in the same turn. I've seen enough Trapper into Bonesplitter, equip, into play a cheap legendary into attack for a ton of damage turns (both in testing and in actual play) that I'm willing to vouch for this card!

In fact, I've cut Daring Archeologist after testing, because I couldn't make use of its regrowth ability enough. Very specific things have to die (namely artifacts) for it to be truly amazing. In addition, as a four drop, it was sitting at the top of the curve for white decks in my environment, which meant it was actually slightly harder to trigger the historic trigger than it is for the Trapper, plus the trigger of Trapper lets you apply pressure, whereas the Archeologist just grows a bit. I haven't played with Myrsmith in a long while, but I'm assuming going wide is actually more beneficial to the average strategy of a white artifact deck than growing tall, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's better than Archeologist.

My personal ranking would therefore be:
- Teshar
- Trapper
- Myrsmith
- Archeologist

That said, this is somewhat environment-dependent, so by all means, do test them out, they're all fun cards to play around with, that much I am sure off :)


As Onderzeeboot said, Fauna Shaman is pretty ideal there, though I wouldn't turn down something like Duskwatch Recruiter or Lambholt Pacifist. The latter's conditions match up perfectly with the size of everything else in this archetype - and I think werewolves are cute when you can abuse the ability to cast things with Madness at instant speed (though that deck is somewhat short on instant speed discard outlets).


Ecstatic Orb
Some other options:

is cool with Reckless Abandon, but that's the only synergy in that deck. The double green is also tricky.

is pretty great in a list running 17 creatures, some of which want to be in the graveyard, and a lot of which are fragile. You're only an Anger or Rhythm of the Wild away from bashing in for a lot of damage in the mid- to late game with Harpooner.

works well when running so many discard outlets. It's trivial to get a land or a creature in the graveyard, this particular list is a bit low on other card types besides sorceries, but I could easily imagine a world where this could start pumping out +1/+1 counters fast.

works very well against this deck, but also works very well in this deck. You'll bin a lot of creatures over the course of the game (either through discarding, because your opponent removes them, or through combat damage), and those many creatures are growing your Ooze considerably.
+1 to Goyf. love that dumb idiot beater, have run 2 copies in the past and would happily do so again if there weren't too many awesome green 2s
Thanks for all those recommendations guys, that's a lot to consider!
To the guys who have cube experience with Fauna Shaman, how strong is she actually? I fear, that she might be too much value, not even in this particular deck, but in the slower decks that work more with the graveyard.
Hey, do you guys know any interesting white build around cards? You know, where one copy (and maybe a tutor to find it) are enough to sculpt your deck, like a single card archetype.

Some examples I have in other colors:

While we're at it, I'd also take some build around artifacts :p
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Hey, do you guys know any interesting white build around cards? You know, where one copy (and maybe a tutor to find it) are enough to sculpt your deck, like a single card archetype.

Here are a few more that have been good for me. With the exception of Cataclysm, I think these work flexibly across different power levels. In my cube, they tend to lean towards graveyard recursion.



Ecstatic Orb
How good is Sentinel Tower?

Can it be compared to Thousand-Year Storm?

No, it's not nearly as good. Think of it as a Grapeshot that doesn't suck. The "problem" (depending on your point of view / power level) of Thousand-Year Storm is that it will turn Opts into monstrous card advantage engines. Sentinel Tower just converts instants and sorceries into damage, and you need to chain six spells to make it lethal. Thousand-Year Storm usually needs less if you can finish with a Lightning Bolt and an Incinerate (or even a Shock).
I copy-pasted it into Scryfall to check if I spelled it correct and it was indeed the exact same spelling.

Where do I find the other ‘ one that isn’t this one ‘ ?
It turns out the issue is with Scryfall.

Gatherer has it like this: Nevinyrral's Disk
Scryfall has it like this: Nevinyrral’s Disk

I will edit the original post with the four images. Thanks Sigh!