Today I had to realize that Goblin Chieftain is too good for my cube. The goblin tribal is a pretty new theme to my cube, so I really had no clue how good the payoffs were (I still don't know all that much). I have 31 cards in red that are or make goblins, that is almost 65% of that color's creatures, which means you can easily get 13+ goblins. So, tribal effects are pretty potent and my power level is relatively lowy even among this board.
So my question is: What could I replace the Chieftain with and which other tribal payoffs could be dangerous?
I run these:
Unlike the last listed card here I am not a goblin veteran, so I'm open for ideas. Which card would be good but not Chieftain-level powerful if all your creatures are gobbos?
Edit: I also had the incinerator in the deck that made my girlfriend sad today, and he felt just right.
Today I had to realize that Goblin Chieftain is too good for my cube. The goblin tribal is a pretty new theme to my cube, so I really had no clue how good the payoffs were (I still don't know all that much). I have 31 cards in red that are or make goblins, that is almost 65% of that color's creatures, which means you can easily get 13+ goblins. So, tribal effects are pretty potent and my power level is relatively lowy even among this board.
So my question is: What could I replace the Chieftain with and which other tribal payoffs could be dangerous?
I run these:
Unlike the last listed card here I am not a goblin veteran, so I'm open for ideas. Which card would be good but not Chieftain-level powerful if all your creatures are gobbos?
Edit: I also had the incinerator in the deck that made my girlfriend sad today, and he felt just right.
I think you have a lot of options for goblin tribal support.
But really, the best choice is:
The only dangerous choice I can think of is Muxus.
Sparksmith: pretty ok by itself, great with like 1 more goblin, actually not so good with a lot of goblins in play. I like the tension it introduces. At your goblin density it doesn't reward drafting goblins that much, because you'll pretty much always have enough goblins to make it worth anyway. Fine card to run, but won't push a goblins archetype much.
Gempalm Incinerator: this never gets cast. Nice payoff for being in goblins, but because it's only once, it's again not that much of a great reason to be deep in goblins. This makes the goblin deck a bit more insular. I'd run if you want the goblins deck to be drafted most of the drafts.
Goblin Matron: again, not so much a payoff for going deep into the archetype, but for taking a couple of situational ones. It's quite interesting though. I would try this out.
Goblin Trashmaster: I like this one. Rewards picking up a lot of goblins, and turning them into Shatters is often useful and sometimes very powerful. If Goblin Chieftain was too good, I think this'll be just right.
Volley Veteran: has the best of Sparksmith and Gempalm Incinerator. Gets good with fewer goblins than Incinerator, but it doesn't punish you for having too many Goblins like Sparksmith.
Out of the other suggestions, I like Pashalik Mons: it's a payoff in a different angle than +1/+1 lords, it's a mana sink, and I think the flavor of goblins being expendable and reproducing like crazy is cool.
In short: I'd run Trashmaster, Veteran, and Pashalik Mons. The other 3 maybe, depending on how relevant you want the theme to be for the environment.
Whenever I go up to 700 (and thus more gold cards) my plan is to include a Wort-package.
Any W or WB ways to dump cards to the yard? Think along the lines of Grapple with the Past, but didn't see any off a couple quick searches.
Some other cool cards that can lead to Simic draw-go style decks:Please give me the simic gold cards that would be most likely to lead you to a blue based control deck, draw go style with all the counterspells you can get and such.