Greater good doesn't seem very good in the decks that want to sacrifice tokens with 1 or 0 power and birthing pod doesn't seem like the best fit in a deck where the things you actively want to sacrifice are 0 mana tokens.
I should have specified that I wanted outlets or payoffs specifically, not token generators. Bayou Groff fits in that description tho, although it's just one time sac one.Depends on the power level
Although hybrid the fiend artisan is definitely a good one, it also ties in with graveyard themes (the problem with being an hybrid is that it doesn't draws specifically to green aristocrats, and black is already attractive enough, the idea would be that something like gruul aristocrats is a desirable deck too).
Can be good role players
Love this card with things like Dread Return and Apprentice Necromancer (and Sneak Attack)
The mana generating sac effects can help pump it out:
Usually helps you combo out with a Blood Artist type card in play
Is a bomby payoff.
There's several gold cards in Golgari that incentivize the sacrifice archetype (in a range of power levels):
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