I have the hybrids in the gold sections because there isn't a full set of color-balanced hybrids I want to run. I'm not particularly worried about the technicalities of the spreadsheet here other beyond the increased number of enemy golds than allied.
Just based on what these four hybrid cards do, would you still cut them?
I wouldn't cut the hybrids. One can debate where hybrids should be put, but one thing I am personally a very firm believer of, is that they should under (edit: almost) no circumstance be regarded as gold cards (edit: except if, as Taamas rightly points out, the number of hybrid pips reaches a certain point, in my opinion three hybrid symbols means you are a gold card (that is hard to splash), one or two is fine). E.g., when I look at your Rakdos section, I see only two gold cards. You're undoubtedly aware of this, but a gold card can be played in 1 out of 10 color pairs, and 3 out of 10 color trios. A hybrid, on the other hand, can be played in a whopping 7 out of 10 color pairs, and 9 out of 10 color trios. That is more than single color cards, which can be played in 4 out of 10 color pairs and 6 out of 10 color trios. In other words, gold card and hybrids operate in opposite ways of each other, as far as splashability is concerned.
What's one card from each of these two-color combinations that is less good/less fun/less interesting/less powerful than the other cards in it's gold section?

: While I agree
Time Wipe is the most replacable effect, it's still nice to be able to rebuy an etb effect or your big beater once your opponent rebuilds. I have no experience with
Shorikai, Genesis Engine, but it looks a bit boring to me, despite having a million words. That would be my cut.

: I hate
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver. It's just not a fun card to sit across from. I have cubed with Silumgar in the past, and the hexproof wasn't problematic because it's a 3-power six drop. It's fine that the card gets some extra resiliency.

: Needs no cut because
Rakdos Cackler is not a gold card.

: I second (third? fourth?) cutting
Xenagos, God of Revels, unless
Wrenn and Six is causing problems.

: Needs no cuts because
Kitchen Finks is not a gold card. I will say that this gold section is really underwhelming compared to the others. Neither
Selesnya Charm nor
Advent of the Wurm are pulling me into

Knight of Autumn,
Conclave Mentor (if +1/+1 counters are a theme),
Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist,
Travel Preparations,
Fleecemane Lion, or even good old
Knight of the Reliquary all would appeal more to me than your current two.

: Similarly to hybrid cards,
Damn isn't really a gold card. It's a split card with two good modes. I would cut a black or white card instead instead.

: So, you actually have two hybrid cards in this section, but
Blistercoil Weird seems the most shaky of all five cards. I would cut that one, or replace it by an actual gold Izzet card.

: Neither
Garruk, Cursed Huntsman, nor
Grisly Salvage seem really worth it.

Figure of Destiny is actually mana-intensive enough that it quickly starts to feel like a gold card instead of a hybrid card (starting at the

activation cost). I'ld cut
Warleader's Helix as the most underwhelming Boros card.

: As a counterpoint to alvoi's argument, I think that
Bring to Light can be the perfect Simic card, if that color pair is usually the home of five color good stuff. I think
Quandrix Command is the least exciting.