I'm really bored by the card, over the years the discard option has almost never been used, and I wanted to change some slots to be less exclusively aggro.Why do you want to replace Oona's Prowler?
I'm really bored by the card, over the years the discard option has almost never been used, and I wanted to change some slots to be less exclusively aggro.Why do you want to replace Oona's Prowler?
Can I interest you in a nice Order of Midnight in these trying times?I'm really bored by the card, over the years the discard option has almost never been used, and I wanted to change some slots to be less exclusively aggro.
Supertrample brings me back to that foil 7th Ed Thorn Elemental everyone had when I started. Someone else here must know the feeling. Whether the trample is super or regular, I definitely thing it's an easy keyword to get into your cube and may be the simplest answer.
What about supertrample?
(I do not know how to make a link otherwise I would let supertramp point to well, you know the band...)
+1 Finale of Devastation and +1 New Garruk. Finale is a great card since it can act as a more flexible (but slightly more expensive) Green Sun's Zenith that can also be a big pump effect in the late game. I find new Garruk to be more boring than the old Garruk, but it is still a great way to help green push through some damage.I'm looking for a card to give green decks some finishing power or ways to punch through damage. Right now I have (in addition to some tramplers)
I'm trying to avoid another Overrun effect. I'm looking at 3 cards mostly, but don't have much experience with them.
I've been eyeing Hurricane, but I have no experience with it and the direct damage feels off in that color.
Finale of Devastation could offer some (very) late game potential at closing a match as well as playing well in most green decks.
Rhonas seems like the one who would be the most swingy. Either dominating the board if he can attack or just being an enchantment that you can dump mana into late.
What have you had success with?
Are you also looking into increasing the amount of reach in your cube? The evasiveness interaction is a two way street in that regard.
Are the problem evaders at low CMC or high CMC? With the mention of aggro I'm assuming low?
Conditional evasion that requires a secondary payment might be an option. Namely
If this is the elegant cube, I see that you already have the pilferer. Honestly I'm hard pressed to offer much if only because the elegant cube shows as an absolutely monstrous 920, and most of what I can think of is already there, evasive or not.
Edit: I've also personally not really seen evasive creatures in blue as being actually problematic. In my trialing for the new cube, the UW fliers deck is explicitly supported and still isn't dominating by any means. I haven't made even a draft list as of yet so I have no way to directly compare analytics.
Thanks so much for the suggestions!
Assuming you mean reach as in "can block fliers" not as in Lava Spike, I've already done that and it helped a little, but not enough.
Low CMC is the problem. For high CMC threats, that what you're supposed to spend removal on anyways, and that's when the game is supposed to end - the thing is the games having been races in which there isn't much agency of counterplay way too often. It's just the aggro blue player trying to win faster than the other player with land creatures.
Yeah, conditional evasion is better as it requires you to sacrifice something to push damage through.
Also, if you're looking at the cube please filter by "tag:core" since occasionals comprise most of that 920 and it's much more efficiency to adjust densities at the core, so even if a card is in occasionals, adding it to the core is basically adding it to the cube.
It depends a lot of removal density and evasion density. I do have quite a bit of removal, but less than the average cube I think, and I'm pretty sure 65% of creatures being evasive is too much. I looked at retail sets and even blue creatures tends to be 25%-30% evasive at common. Other cubes I've looked at were 30-50%.
Sorting by 'core' helps a ton. Didn't know how to do that.
For reach support I'd strongly recommend Arasta. She is perfect against an aggressive UR deck, and blocks much better with 5 toughness than most reach I see in the list.
I also don't see much in the way of high-end reach, like Multani, yavimaya's avatar or sandwurm convergence. Unsure how effective they'd be if it's aggressive decks that are causing problems. Edit: I see the convergence and Multani now, in the occasionals. I'm sure occasionals have play experience upsides, but they add a lot of mental gymnastics to trying to evaluate a list.![]()
Favorable Winds maybe should come out of the core, or out of the cube entirely? If the fliers deck is causing this much of a headache. I much prefer empyrean eagle because it's easier to interact with, requires two specific colors, and comes down later.
The power level of the core cube looks a little broader than I'd expect. I thought Pestermite might be in for the value, but no, you just run the splinter twin combo o_O. Looks a little odd next to morph creatures and stuff like Choking Tethers. Same with cards like Hypnotic Specter. If you want to keep the Twin combo I'd probably target Nimble Obstructionist for taking out. That cycling ability can be really annoying anyways.
Weirdly it's not Favorable Winds causing problems, because if you go Siren Stormtamers, Favorable Winds, Pestermite, take removal, you're attacking for 3 spread over one attacker. The problem is it's not even worth playing Favorable Winds, because Siren Stormtamer, Selfless Spirit, Pestermite, take removal still means you're attacking for 4 spread over two attackers. I do want some explicit signal that fliers is a supported archetype, I just don't want it to be too good. It's too easy to draft it at the moment, and the games aren't good.
A little confused here. Without an enchantment archetype, Arasta is decently generic, and very strongly fits a slot it seems like you need. Do you think she needs an enchantment archetype to be included? Or that she will unduly attract people to thinking there is one? Most drafters can and will easily ignore the fact that enchantment is in the type line.I'm trying to avoid cards that don't add to any archetypes - I feel like I can make it work if I run enough generic cards. It's high in my "reach ranking" though, and if I supported an enchantments archetype, it'd be an easy include./quote]
These little scenarios indicate to me that Stormtamer is actually a problem here. Without the Tamer the removal is doing a lot more work at reducing the power in the air than with the tamer.
Regarding removal, I'm definitely seeing a dearth of effects that can very readily help handle the deck. I don't see an infest effect, I don't see a pyroclasm effect until 4 mana, I don't see removal that branches to two creatures a la chandra's pyrohelix, etc. Moment of craving is decent I guess, but is it better than the much more flexible Erebos's Intervention?
A little confused here. Without an enchantment archetype, Arasta is decently generic, and very strongly fits a slot it seems like you need. Do you think she needs an enchantment archetype to be included? Or that she will unduly attract people to thinking there is one? Most drafters can and will easily ignore the fact that enchantment is in the type line.
I think Bogardan Hellkite is a perfectly reasonable option for your power level. 5 damage divided among anything on ETB is a pretty good starting rate as a reward for reanimation, that sometimes just wins the game by itself.Went for Daring Saboteur and Callaphe, thanks for the ideas and discussion!
Another bounty: I'm looking for red reanimation targets (ideally 7+ drops) that provide some value even if removed. Current contender is Bogardan Hellkite, but it seems a bit weak.