Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

How much of a stretch is this card as a BR removal-control finisher? It blocks incredibly well, the removal should help clear blockers and then you can burn away that last health.

After having played against this I can sadly report that both me and other players in my playgroup found it to be game ruining garbage. It completely shuts down any combat, and becomes a boring removal check that halts what could've otherwise been an interesting match. Cut it after one draft!

Is this a fair card in a zombie dense deck or miserable? I can see it ending up as a repetitive board state with no interaction. It does really insentivise playing zombies though.
I considered adding this card a few times, never actually tried it. I like this card, because it works with Zombies or just with any sacrifice strategy. It is exactly the kind of tribal effects I enjoy in cube - not too linear and playable or even desireable potentially for decks with zero Zombies.

I think I talked myself into finally trying this card out lol.
I considered adding this card a few times, never actually tried it. I like this card, because it works with Zombies or just with any sacrifice strategy. It is exactly the kind of tribal effects I enjoy in cube - not too linear and playable or even desireable potentially for decks with zero Zombies.

I think I talked myself into finally trying this card out lol.

That's a good argument :) The lock only works with a zombie deck so maybe it isn't that oppressive. Worth a try at least
In aggro, going down to 1 card is nothing. In a grindy sacrifice deck, it seems a bit tougher, but still realistic in mid to late game.
Issue with a lot of indestructible creatures is color: Is your wildfire deck Boros? I usually see RG, and maybe RB wildfire decks being talked about. In green,

Which both have their issues.
In artifact, a contender that synergizes with a more typical mana-rock-ramp approach
I could see wildfire being boros, as long as there are some mana rocks about, but, yeah, gruul is a lot more common, I agree. But Boros Wildfire controllish, I can work with that.

This is like- my favorite card. Such a simple, yet elegant, design. It rewards you for building an enchantment deck, and can (theoretically) just win the game by itself. When I was younger I used to play it in a deck running 4 copies of Nyx Infusion and 4 copies of Quag Sickness. The deck used Gray Merchant of Asphodel as a wincon because I thought it was the card that made mono-black devotion so good :p. Guardian has been in my cube since day 1 and I don't see it coming out any time soon.