Card/Deck Low Power Card Spotlight

Is this a good Wildfire #3?

You obviously losevif it gets countered, but if not, a scaleable wildfire could be worth the risk? I've seen it in cubes and wonder if it could be better than it looks at first
I'm liking it quite a bit.

While worse than Wildfire for, well, Wildfire decks will run it. It does all you want to do and discarding is not that big of a problem. But it also makes BR Pox decks more viable, which is a fun and interesting archetype.

I think Wildfire decks can do well against counterspell decks if they have enough threats.

Dom Harvey

I've sung DD's praises for years and won't stop now! It's subtly versatile - a beefier aggro deck or midrange deck that might not support Wildfire can run DD and it's a unique effect that can swing games out of nowhere and forces opponents to respect it from the first few turns of the game
Yeah Dom, you turned me onto it a long time ago, and it's easily one of my favorite cube cards. I like it more than wildfire
Can you guys just spam all your favorite/interesting low-powered mono white cards?

Didn't know if I should post in this thread or Looking for a Card thread since I am looking for low-powered cards.
This has been very helpful. I am surprised with how high powered the cards have been compared to what I thought :p I expected limited medium-power and not constructed medium-power. Thank you to all of you and feel free to spam more mono white if you get any good ideas.
I don't have this cube actually built, but I think you need to be pretty low powered. You have to be in an environment where just the buff is going to be reasonable to play and the 1/1 is a real incentive for the equipment deck. The environment I have it in is full of bears and most of the 1-drops are weaker than 2/1, so it should make an impact in those kinds of battles.
Brad, how does strength of arms play? Do you feel like you need the equipment to get the most bang for your buck or is the trick itself worth it in white?
I think it's a plain +2/+2. The token is pretty minor and you are only going to get it if you are winning significantly. After all, to get the token you need:

A creature
An equipment attached to that creature
To be attacking

If you are losing, your creature got blow up or the like, it's going to be a terrible card. So I would simply consider it a normal combat trick and judge from there.
Not that I'm trying to say the card is great, I think it's very low powered, but you seem to have misread the card pretty badly in your assessment. You've also severely overestimated the strength of the cards surrounding this in an environment suited to it if that scenario adds up to "winning significantly."
A couple low power cards that play WAY better than they look, which reading the discussion on Oubliette reminded me of:

If your cube has any kind of enchantment theme at all, these can help you actually win the game while also serving as pseudo removal and upping Aura density. Very fun cards that go in and out of even my current high power list, and were rock solid mainstays for aggressive enchantment/devotion decks in the old penny-pincher incarnation of the Wilds cube.
Good Monday dear experts on cube cards and cards that are less powered than high-power cards :)

I want to thank you for giving me such rich answers to my "Spam white" request. I also wish to elaborate. The cube we're currently playing the most is a format for 3 players where all three players begin the tournament with a random pool of cards from a starter pool of cards. There are 39 mono white cards in the starter pool. Some players will need 0 of those and some will need a lot of them. This depends on which race and class they choose as the tournament begins. As the players continue through the tournament they will unlock better cards. The format already works very fine but I wanted some new ideas for some starter cards and you guys and gals helped a lot! The starter cards are very, very important because it is from there they all begin and they are cards that will be seen in almost all tournaments.

Thus I am reorganizing each of the 6 starter pools. I will show the 'final result' to all of you when we are done with all of them.


And finally, new week = new color.

Please spam blue :) Give me all your favorite and interesting mono blue cards!
Would it not be better just browse 2-10 trusted lists? I've got a ton of cards I could post, but I have no idea what you're looking for.
Would it not be better just browse 2-10 trusted lists? I've got a ton of cards I could post, but I have no idea what you're looking for.

It might be the wrong way for me to go about it.

But in this way I get to see your favorite cards. You know.. your favorite cards without any context, going in blind. I usually host cube tournament more often than I play them myself so hearing other people's opinions are very valuable to me. I might not copy-paste all the cards I see but I find a gem here and there that I would love to have in the starter pool of low-powered cards.

If you'd be so kind, I would very much appreciate it if you could give me your top 10 favorite blue card that isn't super high power <3