General [M19] Magic 2019


Ecstatic Orb
Dom was exaggerating a bit, but I'ld argue even $10 is way too much for what this card does. Obviously the price is driven up by scarcity, not quality. This holds true for more cards. Season of the Witch starts at €12 for a NM copy. Goblin Wizard starts at €22,50 (and quickly shoots up after that). City of Shadows starts at €24 (like, what? in what deck is that card even good?). Preacher starts at €40! Of all the lousy Control Magic effects... And that's all just some of the more expensive cards from The Dark. A lot of these prices are driven up by buyouts as well.

I mean, I don't want to blame everything on the reserved list, but...

The human one-cc man-o'-war I always wanted :eek: :eek:
who was it who had the ETB/Dies hexplate golem that vindicated? Was that you?
Yup! Very happy with it. Sneak attack, pod, and some weirdo sac or welder decks like the death trigger (especially sneak attack) and it’s a colourless top-end for control, Show, and Reanimator.
I think I got it from Anotak, but I’ve had it for a while now. 7 mana 5/7.
I'm feeling Newjani as well. I've been running Ajani, Caller of the Pride for a while and he's been solid, but this one slots more nicely up the curve with how Wx Aggro decks want to play out. Mostly going wider in the early game, then you need to shift vertically to really pressure the opponent. I could see this pairing up very well with the plethora of 2/x weenies and that -2 has some decent utility elsewhere. Could be a nice little interaction with something like a Glory-Bound Initiate you traded up or pumping up your squad with a Thalia's Lieutenant that might have been sniped earlier.

Also, I like the art on this one way more than Caller which is the most important thing.
Yup! Very happy with it. Sneak attack, pod, and some weirdo sac or welder decks like the death trigger (especially sneak attack) and it’s a colourless top-end for control, Show, and Reanimator.
I think I got it from Anotak, but I’ve had it for a while now. 7 mana 5/7.
it was me, yea
I don’t get it. Can someone explain?

(Sorry for ruining the fun.)

A creature named broodmate creating a token with the same stats as itself implies a monogamous relationship, so this creature being similar but creating a token when another creature ETB:s could be interpreted as all 3 being a couple and therefore polygamous.