General [M19] Magic 2019

Yes, but I'm finding the five drop section stacked.

Do we think cavalry drillmaster might be good? I'm building a white bounce theme and it seems a good target. Also ties in with all the mini reanimators in white. I think I like it.

Speaking of white mini reanimator, what more are there than these two?


Ecstatic Orb

That's a pretty amazing lord, in case you run some goblin synergies in your cube.

Huh. I've been moving away from heavy tribal stuff, preferring cards that have tribal stuff more as gravy on cards that work well on their own. But there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with this.

Huh... Better Tome. This is much more tempting than tome for a middling-low cube power level... And my non UGB edh decks will love this!

Chris Taylor


Neat! :D


this is a hell of a lord. Not sure spirits specifically but a 1/3 anthemn is nutty


Looter + removal spell + half decent body? I'm interested


0: draw a card. Bruh.

...huh. 1/4 for 2 is a hell of a statline. That is an ass for sure. It's a hate-...turtle? Hate Frostburn Weird? Anyway. Shuts down energy hard, which I'm not super interested in. Keeps Meren in line. Cleanly deals with Hangarback Walker.


That's a self mill graveyard enabler if I ever saw one. Not sure it's worth a card, but it's neat. It's a zombie too!


Love me some Aristocrats support. Flying is huge on this.


Another lifegain trigger that also likes tokens. You know who else likes tokens? Soul Warden. The payoff cards for this are starting to come together too.
Added him in on Wed, didn't have the fixing to play him in an otherwise insane Aristocrats deck.

Not gaining life is big, and I think on the whole this is worse than falkenrath noble, but maybe that's what I'm after

Interesting, I figured that the extra toughness and powerful defensive abilities would make it less anemic than Falkenrath Noble when you're looking to stall and grind for value. But I can see the lack of evasion to dome for 2 and lifegain stabilization being real losses. If I'm not in the market for the Noble then I probably have no business running this guy either :/
Dumping my thoughts about the set here


I'm having trouble evaluating this. Fun graveyard and double strike synergy or too good.


I like that its fair but useable in aggro and useful in a loot of other decks. Its like a fair version of Jace, VP that I won't have to cut for being too first pickable.


I don't like End Hostilities as much now that I've cut swords. I thought about Fumigate or Austere Command but gaining life on a sweeper too good and 6 cmc sweeper too bad. I think this might be what I've been wanting.


I like exiling graveyards as a one-shot effect on an already decent card. Scavenging Ooze was too much graveyard hate. This should be fine.


Not sure if good. Maybe garbage, but sac outlet that draws cards on a decent body seems sweet. Always looking for more sac outlets.