So what would that package look like? How far off is something like this?
Does Ember Swallower really achieve what you guys are looking for? Has anyone had experience with a mini-wildfire (sans damage) on 7 mana being an effective or reliable play?
I'm still primarily in a brewing phase so I can't give any relevant input based on my own experience with cube designs in play (I've only played others), but I can see how ember swallower quickly could get lackluster.
If we remain in titanland, then, what makes pod decks a GR thing? Like what becomes the incentive to move into red after picking a birds of paradise and a pod?
Being able to steal a creature and pod it. Combine that with a few good targets to pod into play (huntmaster) and its a pretty fun deck. You kind of need a good density of threaten effects (and pods) for it to come together reliably though.
So it kind of expands on the red-black theme of steal-and-sac? How many threatens is enough for that to come together once in a while? 3? 4? I know they help other themes, like the double strike ones , but there's gotta be a pretty fine balance between the right amount and just too many.
I wonder how Ember Swallower would've felt like if it was monstrous RR4: sac 3 lands deal 3 damage to all creatures?
This is looking more and more like a card that could work in both RG Wildfire and in BG graveyard shenanigans. I don't like that it's four mana, but I love that it's instant. Maybe it's not so crazy after all.