Card/Deck Making Gruul do more than stompy, or make stompy Gruul more interesting?


Ok, this is great, so:

for hard to interact with mass haste, and than

Small, flexible haste effect.

and maybe

That looks like a critical mass to me, and two of them even scream gruul.


I think lightning grieves is the best of these types of cards, it comes down on two and doesn't die to Icatcian Javelineers. I guess it doesn't work for tokens, though, but that doesn't really need to be the same deck.

That said Ogre Battledriver and Temur Ascendancy are absolute monsters in their specific decks and expand the theme outside of "the fires deck" in interesting ways. These effects aren't really good in excess redundancy, what's the target number for a given deck? 2? 3?


Honestly, temur ascendancy makes me want to brew down a combo/mass mana generation route. We already saw something like that in standard, and I'm sure cube has a lot more potential. Cards like karametra's acolyte and magus of the candelabra become abusive with haste when coupled with the right support.

Whether thats a good for the environment, I don't know, but the card dosen't seem like its inheriently narrow.

Speaking of which, genesis hydra is really good in this deck, and makes it seem much more interesting than dumb fast beaters.
The combo esqueness of temur ascendancy I guess could be drafted around. If it's possible to get people to start bouncing stuff with cards they'd run in other decks as well it could probably be a thing.

You don't feel like fires + hammer is enough? We might be looking at differnt levels of subtlety here but as far as non themes go I think this looks good with just fires as the explicit card and the rest being fatties (with a wee bit of though behind) and hammer+greaves


This card was a monster in early type 1.5. I don't think it has aged particularly well. Didn't they print a red version of it at one point that no one cared about?
This card was a monster in early type 1.5. I don't think it has aged particularly well. Didn't they print a red version of it at one point that no one cared about?

Yep, you're right. Google says Mass Hysteria.

You'd have to be careful with how you play it, but I imagine that if you time it right to hit them with a big impact in the midgame you could probably keep your opponent on the ropes, preventing them from making use of it. If you're playing against aggro you likely have the upper hand as Gruul anyway, in which case you could just refrain from casting it.


Ecstatic Orb
This card was a monster in early type 1.5. I don't think it has aged particularly well. Didn't they print a red version of it at one point that no one cared about?
To be fair, the effect is far better in green than it is in red, which already offers haste on a lot of its more cubable creatures.
To be fair, the effect is far better in green than it is in red, which already offers haste on a lot of its more cubable creatures.

Additionally, if the goal is to push Gruul, it really could use another green haste enabler since the rest (besides Fires) are red or colorless.


Beh, I'm ok with bending the rules a bit. I'm imagining something more like pauper zoo than modern masters 5 color goodstuff, though maybe thats too hard to swing.


I'm kind of hinging on tribal flames being the only non-green payoff card. You can also slant your token generators towards red, rather than white, which makes R/G more natural in conjunction with tromp. Exploding borders helps pull red in as a necessary color to ramp/get domain.

Obviously, you can't have your games too condensed for boarders to be a card, but thats not too difficult to achieve at pauper power level, which easily lets you slant towards a turn 2 aggro format.
pauper zoo had the benefit of a seriously consistent gameplan to reach full domain - without a bunch of slots dedicated to getting there quickly and easily I don't know that the payoff works, and in the absence of a global theme that just feels kinda miserable.

Thinking about Concordant Crossroads more (and looking up old lists - FSR, I only saw combo elves, did it get played elsewhere? why?) it's pretty sick with mana dudes, and probably the haste-theme card I'm most excited about as a puzzle piece. Choosing when to drop it looks skilltesting, it reminds drafters that the theme is focused in gruul colours, and a one mana enchantment with a global effect is basically my dream magic card to begin with.


I was talking "Classic Restricted" from the Magic dark ages. I'd be surprised if you could find much in the ways of decklists for it, was popular locally where I played, but since it was never played in any sanctioned events (as far as I know) and was much less popular then Type 1, Type 2 or later Type 1.X from a time when the internet wasn't used nearly as much as it is now it didn't really leave a footprint.

Anyway, the deck used it to drop more elves faster, then beat down with big dumb creatures. It also had the side effect of killing Nether Void and The Abyss, which were both popular in the format. The creature quality in those days was pretty low, so even the card was pretty good, the decks it was in usually weren't that great and tended to crumble when it wasn't drawn.
Omg brahs

I just remembered

I played this RG deck in coldsnap standard.
Skred, Mouth Of Ronom, Scrying Sheets, allasaurus rider, 1 panglacial wurm, I think it wildfired too. It had some other sweet stuff too. Man me and ian tested the hell out of that shell. I'll see if I can find the list on any old chat logs but that deck was hella cool.

I think before lorwyn we were also testing a GW midranged/control deck, but when the chameleon colossus came out we subbed mystic enforcer and and some of the wraths and removal out for red. Ahhhh I wish I could remember bros.