Sets (MH3) Modern Horizons 3 Previews

I fear this may be another member of an unbearably long line of Selesnya cards that look cool but have little impact.

But hey, this and Wight of the Reliquary seem to indicate a cycle of rare gold two-drops in the set. If there truly are others, maybe one of them will bear fruit!

My favorite thing about this card may not be the card itself, but the following poke-the-bear moment. Nothing like some playful trolling to appease this regal urso.

I think it’s funny that both times you’ve posted on the forums have been in response to something silly I said on Reddit :D

The previous time had nothing to do with Reddit (as far as I'm concerned at least):

To this day I still can't tell if your OP in this thread was just a troll, ignorance of exactly why Slash Panther was no longer played in Vintage , or both. Regardless, I was compelled to post in that thread to help make sure other people wouldn't be confused about the actual reason why Slash Panther was no longer viable in Vintage.
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Warren Soultrader is looking fantastic for my cubes! Free sac outlet. Makes artifacts and mana. Is a zombie. Can replace Phyrexian Altar for lots of spell casts with a Gravecrawler.

Pitiless Plunderer turned out a bit too slow for my cubes (I know they aren’t exactly the same), but a 3/3 for 3 doesn’t.

I was on the fence with Gravecrawler, this is a huge swing in its favor.

Krenko, Baron of Tin Street is becoming a serious consideration for me now. Zombies in Black, Humans in White and Goblins in Red??
Ripples of Undeath and Detective's Phoenix are catching my eye.

Also, at this rate we're going to see the whole set before the actual spoiler season starts...
The previous time had nothing to do with Reddit (as far as I'm concerned at least):
My Mistake! I had cross-posted this to Reddit, so I thought that's where you saw it first! I didn't realize you were lurking the forums before this!

To this day I still can't tell if your OP in this thread was just a troll, ignorance of exactly why Slash Panther was no longer played in Vintage , or both. Regardless, I was compelled to post in that thread to help make sure other people wouldn't be confused about the actual reason why Slash Panther was no longer viable in Vintage.
I can't actually remember if I knew the real history of Slash Panther's fall from favor or not, although I knew it had stopped seeing play a bit before the Oko era. I was just trying to make an "Oko has too much loyalty" joke!
I love the modern horizon sets so much. Nothing like having scryfalled cool mechanics, go "mh, guess I'll settle with 1 or 2 cards" for a MH set to come and add a bunch more cool cards. Love it!
Perilous Landscape
So do we think this will be a cycle?
Of 5 or 10 lands?
Hopefully ten, as I'll definitely be running these, but probably five.

Might have to go with a heavy artifact theme after MH3. Eldrazi stuff cares about colorless and a lot of the sets these days have artifact themes with impressive cards. It'd be a hefty increase in my token quantity, likely adding Servos, Thopters, Blood, and Clues. I already have Treasure.
Primal Prayers and Sowing Mycospawn are both pretty cool takes on existing cards. And, to echo someone else, the fact that Brainsurge looks like such a solid card is a testament tob how utterly cracked Brainstorm is.
I said it earlier in the thread, but a lot of these designs feel like well done r/custommagic cards that are trying to combine their two favorite cards/mechanics. Maybe half the cards so far are combined designs or "old card with by energy" designs.