General Modern Horizons


Ecstatic Orb
Do we know, if this set will be designed for draft? I mean, I guess so, but do we have any kind of confirmation? Because I'd love to speculate over the color pair archetypes they could aim for with this :p
The prerelease is draft instead of the regular sealed, so I think it's safe to say that this set was designed very much with draft in mind!
So Modern Horizons has a Buy-A-Box promo that is new to modern but is a reprint of something old.

I think it will probably be one of these two more recent cards:

Both of these cards have been printed recently enough and in enough sets that I think they could reasonably make the transition into modern without costing $1000 a playset. Deluge seems like an interesting choice for Death's Shadow and U/B Control variants, while Council's Judgment seems like a great white removal spell and an awesome middle-finger to Bogles decks.

I don’t think Wizards will print a multiplayer card in a 1 vs. 1 set. Voting doesn’t make sense if the outcome is determined by only one player. I could be wrong though but I feel like it is a bad design for a set that is designed to function like regular sets.

Also it has never been reprinted: (this is a response to your ‘Both of these cards have been printed recently enough and in enough sets’)!“Council's+Judgment”&unique=prints
I don’t think Wizards will print a multiplayer card in a 1 vs. 1 set. Voting doesn’t make sense if the outcome is determined by only one player. I could be wrong though but I feel like it is a bad design for a set that is designed to function like regular sets.

Also it has never been reprinted: (this is a response to your ‘Both of these cards have been printed recently enough and in enough sets’)!“Council's Judgment”&unique=prints

You know what, I saw the Vintage Masters printing and for some reason thought it was in paper as well. Sorry for sharing misleading information. I think Judgment probably has a similar supply to Toxic Deluge given that Conspiracy was printed quite a bit more than Eternal Masters, but I don't know how C13 figures into the equation.

I don't think Council's Judgment being a multiplayer card actually disqualifies it from being in Modern Horizons. It's digital reprint for VMA was a 1v1 set. WOTC has actually put multiplayer matters cards in masters sets before. For example, Deadly Designs, and Prossh, Skyraider of Kher were both in A25. To be fair, neither of these cards mention voting, but neither card was meant for 1v1 play.

In addition, I believe that Council's Judgment was designed and worded so that it would be playable in the eternal formats. The vote in 1v1 is supposed to only be determined by one player. It's a clunky work-around to targeting, but I don't think that makes it a bad design.

Since modern is the most widely played eternal format, I think Council's Judgment would make since as a BaB promo, given it's proven playability in legacy. The voting wouldn't pollute limited, since it would only be the promo, so casuals wouldn't have to wrap their heads around it. It's also a good way to sell MH boxes to EDH players.

That said, your point about Council's Judgment using voting is far from moot. Given WOTC's general apprehension to mention multiplayer magic outside casual/multiplayer sets, it is entirely possible that the voting dynamic is disqualifying for Council's Judgment. However, I think the gameplay implications probably outweigh the clunkiness of it's wording. If this is something they want in modern, I see no reason why they would let the voting get in the way of that.
The card is actually great. Cycling itself is just a nice Flickerspell, but it has the potential to do more.

Chris Taylor

I'm gonna keep my ear to the ground because cycling is awesome and I've got a bunch of white 3s I like, but they're all creatures :p
Given that Cycling is a thing in Modern Horizons..

Do you guys think we get the five enemy-colored ‘Amonkhet’ cycling dual lands that ETB tapped? Or are they waiting for a Standard-legal set to print them in?
Just realized that besides cutting ‘Cycling matters’ from my cube I also cut ‘Blinking matters’ from my cube earlier this year.
Sadly, this new drift is a lot more narrow than drake haven, since it only works with literal cycling, not with looters and mongrels and stuff.
Oh baby. And these are the commons:



Ecstatic Orb

This one's pretty cool! Awesome Seb McKennon art as well :D

Also, they're bringing back changelings, that might be interesting for those wanting to run/running minor tribal themes.


I mean, the commons aren't really playable outside of retail limited, but if these are the commons, then the uncs and rares might be sweet!
I thought they were going to just be printing normal basic lands like they did in Battlebond. Nope:

So, prepare for another $40 Foil Island...

So, here's my theory as to why changelings are in the set. We're going to get a bunch of random tribal cards like Matron here:

By adding changelings to the set, the new tribal lords and tribal synergy cards will be easier to make work. I expect to see some elves in the set, but maybe not much else.