Modern Rotisserie Draft

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Okay, I'm not super invested in this, but how important is it that people make their picks sequentially? Could it be sped up by having people submit multiple rounds and then resolving conflicts? Or is that dumb.

Also, if you guys could occasionally post visual spoilers of your picks so far in the thread, that would make it more fun to follow.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Hm. Can we Automatically A Button our picks? I could [allow the spreadsheet to] slam my top 10 or 15 cards without even looking at what other peeps are doin.

something like =IF(CellToTheLeftHasText=YES, InsertFirstCardFromListThatIsn'tPickedYet)
If you can figure out a way to do this - by all means! Just note that everyone can see the spreadsheet, though, so if you put card names in formulas, that might give away your strategery.
Hm. Can we Automatically A Button our picks? I could [allow the spreadsheet to] slam my top 10 or 15 cards without even looking at what other peeps are doin.

something like =IF(CellToTheLeftHasText=YES, InsertFirstCardFromListThatIsn'tPickedYet)

I don't know if there's a way for you to do that without letting other people see what the cards are. You could maybe send your list of cards to an impartial third party who's watching the draft, and have him enter the cards for you.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yeah, at this rate, bumbeh, it might be best for you to send your Giant List of Cards to someone else who's participating, preferably someone who's not in your colour combination so that they won't blatantly snipe your cards the round before you would've taken them. At least this way only one person can see your list, rather than all eight of us, which is what would happen if you implemented a script.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Okay, I'm not super invested in this, but how important is it that people make their picks sequentially? Could it be sped up by having people submit multiple rounds and then resolving conflicts? Or is that dumb.
This would be possible if the rotisserie draft were an app, rather than a Google Sheets doc, so that the app could automatically arbitrate disputes and accept or reject pick lists from people without revealing what other drafters' lists looked like in the case of conflicts. With Google Docs, I don't believe there's a way to hide information from other editors of the document; you can only hide things from anonymous users.

Of course, what you're talking about is a non-trivial amount of work. But people have stepped up before to implement your wacky requests, so...!
There is no substitute for Path. I am probably doing a different deck than the one I thought I was doing. Guess I'll need to pay attention for the first few picks after all!

Took a land. Can't go wrong with land.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
This would be possible if the rotisserie draft were an app, rather than a Google Sheets doc, so that the app could automatically arbitrate disputes and accept or reject pick lists from people without revealing what other drafters' lists looked like in the case of conflicts. With Google Docs, I don't believe there's a way to hide information from other editors of the document; you can only hide things from anonymous users.

Of course, what you're talking about is a non-trivial amount of work. But people have stepped up before to implement your wacky requests, so...!

I mean, it doesn't have to be an app. It could just be a person sorting through things to keep things going in a tidy manner.

Like, my next 3 picks are:
Lightning Bolt
Burning-Tree Emissary

Alert me if any of these are trumped.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
That doesn't really work unless the arbitrator is guaranteed to have no overlap with the drafter. Like, if you send me those picks, and I'm BW but considering a green splash, then I might just snap up Tarmogoyf the round before I know you'll want it.

I think what you're saying is that a neutral arbitrator who isn't participating in the draft could do it. But at that point, why not automate the task and not waste anyone's time?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
That doesn't really work unless the arbitrator is guaranteed to have no overlap with the drafter. Like, if you send me those picks, and I'm BW but considering a green splash, then I might just snap up Tarmogoyf the round before I know you'll want it.

I think what you're saying is that a neutral arbitrator who isn't participating in the draft could do it. But at that point, why not automate the task and not waste anyone's time?

Because I don't actually have a good idea for how to program that.


Ecstatic Orb
And also, because you might want to adapt when you notice people are picking up archetypes you were gunning for.

Edit: Also... Gitaxian Probe p2? I am not sure what is going on here....
Storm? Also, there was some talk in the skype chat to maybe fire up a second roto in parallel. Right now I think the interested people were:

1) Rasmus
2) EricChan
3) Lucre

Do we have five more people eager to roto some modern cards?
Gimme a day or two to see how this plays, but yeah this seems interesting, I'd like to try more. I really have no idea what I'm doing. I'll gladly cede a seat to someone who missed the first one.

Any good VoDs of this nnsense format?

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Oh god I can't actually participate in a second draft in parallel. I was just floating the idea, in case there are eight interested parties, not including myself. But I think it may not be too hard to scrounge up another six people!
This automated pick list thing sounds like it could make a cool format all on its own. Use a whole cardpool like Rotisserie, have all 8 people submit a giant list of cards they want in the order they want 'em, then give the lists to a computer and find out what everyone gets. Fastest draft format ever!
Really though, is there an alternative to Path? Should I have stayed with my Junk plan and picked Kitchen Finks to make him sad?

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
This automated pick list thing sounds like it could make a cool format all on its own. Use a whole cardpool like Rotisserie, have all 8 people submit a giant list of cards they want in the order they want 'em, then give the lists to a computer and find out what everyone gets. Fastest draft format ever!

this doesn't really work. You need to branch depending on what other people are taking. What if you and someone else go for the same deck? You'll both get assigned really watered down pools without any way to change you strategy.
this doesn't really work. You need to branch depending on what other people are taking. What if you and someone else go for the same deck? You'll both get assigned really watered down pools without any way to change you strategy.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
--Sun Tzu, on rotisserie drafting, probably

Anyway if more people are needed for draft #2 I'm interested.

(in a similar common misunderstanding, "It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." is about choosing a legacy deck)
This is seems remarkably easy to say with hindsight.

it's ostensibly about the payoff of intense preparation and sabotage - if anything, it's remarkably easy to say only if you already possess great foresight.

sun tzu in the boardroom didn't work very well but applied to the draft/game accumulation/spending dynamic of some Magic formats it's super relevant

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member
Yes that makes much more sense. I was interpreting it more about attitude, which makes him sound like a pointless motivational poster.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Draft #2 signups

1) Rasmus
2) Lucre
3) safra

I think there were some more people who expressed interest in participating - reply here to get added to the list!