Yeah I'm with Train, Ravnic. I think only being able to target your side (and only artifacts/creatures) makes this a cool thing to run in addition to flickerwisp, not just replacing it.
So far, the battles seem interesting. I think giving yourself a 5 loyalty walker to beat up before you start killing your opponent is an interesting decision, and unlike MDFCs you don't need to worry about what's on the back side as much; they're more like
Search for Azcanta or
the spark creatures, for eg. I definitely only have a vague idea of what the backside of Kytheon does, but that's fine, that's mostly all you need.
Like this thing:

Like there is a lot of words here, I'd obviously love it to be simpler, but I think this is solid.
Once you're done parsing, you get shock+ for 2, and you can decide weather you want to give up 5 damage in your red deck for a 4/4 flier that also shocks things.
That's an interesting decision!
And TBH, Battles are probably going to be better because they're not the most complicated DFCs in the set!

Look at this shit!

I love that these are here (there's a cycle of 5 presumably, there's a Jin Gitaxis one as well), because these have SO MANY WORDS on them you just can't even begin to pretend this doesn't use up your complexity budget.
One of the things I hate about the games worse MDFCs (Strixhaven/Kaldhiem) is that all the DFCs are rare/mythic, so they NEED this ephemeral cool factor which 99% of the time leads to more words on the card. There's no like, 2/2 prowess, volcanic hammer on the back because that's just not "interesting" enough to justify a rare slot.
There are uncommon battles, and there's also these saga/praetors at the top dragging up the average, so (at least it looks like it) the rares can be reasonable cards.