Ideas are firing on all cylinders and I think they are actually decent, so I thought I would share them. This is a flurry of changes, most of which I think are actually here to stay.

I've been unimpressed in my current iteration with cards like
Phoenix of Ash. They are a little too fair for my goals. However, seeing
this video of LSV
drafting forcing the Dredge deck piqued my interest in regards to
Detective's Phoenix. The deck had a good showing against fairer decks and got blown out by the broken mana deck. What got my attention is that it gives haste and evasion for a single mana should you have the right cards in your GY. It led to some very cool lines during the draft and is the kind of card I want in my cube.
I'm convinced that the Precursor has legs, but it feels like I've been over supporting sacrifice decks since MH3, so I want to tone it down just a bit.

You have all been suggesting the Safekeeper and I wholeheartedly agree with you that it should be amazing. It's both an engine and interaction for a single mana. I would love an extra land sacrifice effect for Red in addition to
Greater Gargadon, but I haven't quite found the card that makes sense just yet (still not considering the ugly goblin as Erik calls it). I often think about
Orcish Lumberjack, but I'd like something not as restrictive or limiting me to Gruul.
Rancor is always serviceable, but without the explicit Berserker support it's expendable.

Speaking of expendable,
Embercleave isn't as exciting as it once was without
Berserk and friends. I'd like to take this slot to add a cheap instant or sorcery as I've slowly gutted the support for
Young Pyromancer,
Dreadhorde Arcanist and
Magmatic Channeler. This weakens SFM somewhat, but it's pretty rare to want the equipment without it anyways.
Lava Dart hits around 50 creatures with the one damage, which makes it pretty limited. The flashback triggering for free and binning lands is sweet, but it limits it mostly to dedicated spells matter decks. There is also
Barbarian Ring which looks pretty good as a land slot. But once again, it is limited in which decks want it. I instead chose a more universally applicable card with late game potential.
Chain Lightning was also a consideration, but I am going with the instant speed burn spell for now.

I am adding a Simic card and don't want to overcrowd the multicolored section for no reason. So simple switch back to the OG! The instant speed on SitW is fantastic, but voting mechanism in a duel less so.


I find myself wanting more
Life from the Loam effects with the addition of
Molten Vortex,
Squandered Resources and friends. I'd run a second Loam in a heartbeat if I broke singleton, but instead, the Ooze is here to do a serviceable impression.
Flagstones will help push the lands archetype as mentioned in an above post.
As also mentioned before, the Synthesizer and Workshop are too demanding considering the low curve of the cube. At 450, I could make it work easy, but not 360ish.


I'm moving in to my little lands discard-control-burn package. I got to draft this deck as a proof of concept, what do you think?
Uro and Six give you late game domination. Recurring an
Engineered Explosives sounds awesome to contain the opponent. Inti, Converter and Rielle all make sure you don't lose too much value from discarding.
Irencrag Pyromancer is easy to trigger and can close out the game alongside other burn spells just like we drew it up! Missing a Loam effect to fully go off, but still think this deck has potential.