Sets (NEO) Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty Previews


I really like the art on the normal version of the Emperor.[/C].
It will go well with my Top

Murder is always on the table, even if it might not feel that way. And I think it's more likely that they will make up some way to reverse phyresis than death. Melira might already be able to for all I know.
Murder might always be an option, but Wizards doesn't just randomly kill popular characters unless they can use it as an extremely important story beat (like Venser giving up his spark to save Karn or Gideon sacrificing himself so Liliana could survive and defeat Bolas). I don't think they would kill someone like Jace- he's way too profitable too popular to kill. However, I could easily see them Compleating him in, say, the set before the end of this Resurgent Phyrexia storyline.

I agree that they're going to create a way to reverse Phyresis (I'm sure it's going to have something to do with the fact that Planeswalker Souls remain intact when they're Compleated), but until then, no one is safe from Phyrexia's grasp.
Since Tamiyo is the first Compleated Planeswalker, I think WOTC is going to turn her into a sort of Seven of Nine type character following the Resurgent Phyrexia arc.

Magic has a lot of environments. Just so we're clear, I was speaking in the context of my own cube. I don't think she's going to be banned in Legacy, or necessarily even get played.
I didn't even see your comment calling the card broken TBH, I was referring to a discord comment I made where I called it broken and then immediately walked it back. I don't think this card sees major Legacy play until Daze gets banned if at all (although let's be honest, they're never banning daze despite the fact that it's been repeatedly cited as a problem card as @Dom Harvey points out in this wonderful tweet), but I think it's good enough to see play in Modern at the very least. I'm kind of hoping I'm wrong though and this card does nothing anywhere, I'd like to get a cheap copy for my Cube as I did with Grist, the Hunger Tide :p.
Do you mind elaborating a little bit?

I loved Kamigawa. I dislike sci-fi-neon-cyborg world, like a lot. Finally going back to Kamigawa after many years of irrational hope (it was always said going back isn't likely at all) and then getting a weird world that doesn't feel AT ALL like Kamigawa just hurts. I'm okay with just ignoring a set that's not my jam, like I did with Kaladesh, but this feels like a slap in the chin. And yeah, so far it feels like 85% of the cards have a sci-fi-neon-cyborg flavor to them. Certainly doesn't help that most of the cool ones are dfc sagas, which I am not gonna cube, but that's another story.

I'll probably just not post anymore on this thread, since I don't want to ruin anyone's fun with that set with my disappointment. I'll just leave Hoverbikes and DJs for them and in the end probably still find 3 or 4 cards I might bother to try for cube. Let's see.
I just realized that the saga's that become creatures can be blinked by creature blink and (I assume) enter on the saga side for whatever value it gives. They could intersect enchantment and blink themes nicely. When they intersect a third theme, as for example graveyard stuff in the case of Teachings of Kirin, they might actually be really interesting glue!
I just realized that the saga's that become creatures can be blinked by creature blink and (I assume) enter on the saga side for whatever value it gives. They could intersect enchantment and blink themes nicely. When they intersect a third theme, as for example graveyard stuff in the case of Teachings of Kirin, they might actually be really interesting glue!

Have a Riptide like!
Man, I just realized that Thousand-Faced Shadow is cool because it's both a ninja enabler AND a payoff. You play it on turn one and bounce it on turn two with Ninja of the Deep Hours or something. Then when you have an unblocked creature it's conveniently in your hand to ninjitsu itself in. That's a cool design.


Ecstatic Orb
Man, I just realized that Thousand-Faced Shadow is cool because it's both a ninja enabler AND a payoff. You play it on turn one and bounce it on turn two with Ninja of the Deep Hours or something. Then when you have an unblocked creature it's conveniently in your hand to ninjitsu itself in. That's a cool design.
Yes, it's a shoe-in for my cube :D
I want to like Ninjas. But they're just so difficult to get to work in a cube because there are so few.

On another topic, we've had Ninjas without Ninjutsu before but.. not like this. It doesn't even feel like a Ninja. Maybe a Spirit Frog? Or if on Theros it could be Enchantment Spirit?

I don't know how I feel about reconfigure
I like it way better than Living Weapon which was always very clunky and felt very forced. (Honestly feel much the same about Vehicles but they're slightly less offensive because they can show up on any plane)

My problem with Reconfigure vs Equip is that any equipment enablers or cares-about-equip-cost stuff doesn't interact with "Reconfigure" at all and that causes a fracture. That's really unfortunate

SO, SO many cool cards for my artifact cube in this set. Wasn't expecting it (not sure why, given the focus on technology..Lol.) I expected some vehicles & some new equipments...not *all this*. Very exciting!
I'll probably play Hotshot Mechanic despite the crew text likely being trinket text. It just fills such a big design hole. I've almost included icehide golem in the past, but I like my mirage lands too much to switch to snow-covered lands :D

Lizard Blades is great. I'm already a fan of reconfigure. I run Embercleave, Adorned Pouncer, and Solemn recruit and this might be a nice piece of redundancy....I wanted another bridge card from artifact aggro to vertical growth aggro that wasn't just another generic pump equipment.
I want to like Ninjas. But they're just so difficult to get to work in a cube because there are so few.

On another topic, we've had Ninjas without Ninjutsu before but.. not like this. It doesn't even feel like a Ninja. Maybe a Spirit Frog? Or if on Theros it could be Enchantment Spirit?

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Am I right in thinking that the activated ability can’t be used unless you have a frog to target?