So I wouldn't mind talking a bit more about Flameshadow Conjuring. I'm really split on how I feel about it. On one side, it plays great with a few subthemes(Dash being the biggest stand out here), but on the other hand, it's a four mana spell that doesn't do usually do anything for a full turn. It may never even do anything ever. But it does seem sweet when it does get working. Thoughts?
I always like to picture it in action. Let's imagine a dasher.
You take a turn off of dashing to play Flameshadow Conjuring. Next turn you Dash and pay to get two dashers. At this point you've made the same number of dashes, but spent more mana, and, critically, a card.
You have to pay for the trigger twice before you get anything resembling mana and card parity, so three or more times to really get good value. I think there's potential, but it feels like most high-power red attacking decks would just slam any other 4 drop into their deck instead.