Card/Deck Revisiting Zombies

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Why are none of us playing this card?

How do we tie Zombies to other colors better? I was never happy with what happened with blue.

Why is our support in 6-drops?

Why isn't this card a 3/2 Zombie?

Chris Taylor


He's cool. 3 toughness is annoying, but unearth + zombie creature type was about the only thing that worked well on rotting rats. A lot of my RB guild section is zombie based cards at the moment (Sarkhan the Mad and Falkenreth Aristocrat play really well), and maybe we don't need the 3rd support card?

He's been good for me. When I cut jitte, swords and most of their narrow answer cards attrition gave me pause for thought, so I added him instead. Fragile, but can really take over a game. Might be worse in removal rich enviornments, both due to the fragility and less need for a slow removal creature like him.

This seems like a utility draft thing, so I'll hold my thoughts for now. Looks like a huge signal too. Is that good? Bad?

Pump knights were okay in 1998, and they haven't aged well. Flying is a bit better, but not much. I'd pass. Is nantuko shade a zombie? He seems better than this asshole, and he looks awful.

This is a midrange card, not a zombies card, as it'll kill you really fast, and you usually wanna tie your mana up with doing gravecrawler shenigans, not dumping your hand. It's been okay, but I like disciple of bolas better because he's so bloody unique.

Ewwww double protection :( Hybrid is cool, but not worth it in my eyes. Also see pump knight rant above.

Could be interesting. I think it might clog the board, and I'm not sure what artifacts you wanna regrow (unless executioner's capsule is in the utility draft :p)

It's not a 3/2 zombie because commons have to be bad, amirite?
This is why I custom card :p

Does the zombie deck even need this? the fixing is almost irrelevant, and non-dissipate counters are horrible against zombies, so they might end up being boarded out. Maybe it supports other themes and can go into the main cube? Sounds dobutful....

Jason Waddell

Staff member

This seems like a utility draft thing, so I'll hold my thoughts for now. Looks like a huge signal too. Is that good? Bad?

Could be interesting. I think it might clog the board, and I'm not sure what artifacts you wanna regrow (unless executioner's capsule is in the utility draft :p)

It's not a 3/2 zombie because commons have to be bad, amirite?
This is why I custom card :p

Does the zombie deck even need this? the fixing is almost irrelevant, and non-dissipate counters are horrible against zombies, so they might end up being boarded out. Maybe it supports other themes and can go into the main cube? Sounds dobutful....

Unholy Grotto is no more of a signal than Phyrexian Tower.

Glissa should probably just keep being Putrid Leech. Maybe there's room for both?

Maybe I'll just take a pen to Kathari Screecher. Unless somebody can photoshop it for me? Anybody?

Cavern of Souls is just something I've been meaning to toss into utility land draft for a while anyways. Doubt it does anything much here.


Slavering Nulls can be brutal, but its one of those cards that is like 10x better on the play then the draw. In red/black you're well positioned to kill/falter there blockers and start going to town. On the play, they only get two chances to remove it or get down a blocker you can't/won't remove which often isn't enough particularly if they durdle there one drop. On the draw, they get a chance to deal with it with three mana, which almost any deck can. Its playable, but too high variance to really be interesting.


Oh yeah, fyi I would not run skaab ruinator in just any cube. He is a solid blue dredge card, and unless you are supporting U/G dredge (or self-mill if you prefer that title) he will probably be pretty bad.

I've ran loyal cathar on and off for a while, and the problem with him is the low power level and {W}{W} cost.


Oh yeah, fyi I would not run skaab ruinator in just any cube. He is a solid blue dredge card, and unless you are supporting U/G dredge (or self-mill if you prefer that title) he will probably be pretty bad.

I've ran loyal cathar on and off for a while, and the problem with him is the low power level and {W}{W} cost.

i think loyal cathar is way closer than skaab ruinator. the problem with ruinator is that two "fringe archetypes" (or whatever you want to call it) do not justify a card's inclusion. this isn't a theory problem so much as "welp that went 15th again, time to put in something else"

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Spiteful Returned was awful and a half.

I don't see Haakon working, not without more discard outlets. Maybe. Mayyyybe. I'd have to do stuff like Lotleth Troll instead of Putrid Leech. Anybody else have support ideas?

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Yeah, Sculler's been a part of the archetype from the beginning. Perfect fit. Even has the cheeky Carrion Feeder interaction.
Haakon is such a feelbad card. I had him in my cube, and drafted him and nameless, but when I had haakon on the field and namless in hand, I just couldn't bring myself to start playing it. Nothing but a joykill.