FWIW, I didn't like Hyena Umbra when I ran it. And I think Gryff's Boon is better because flying > FS and (IMO at least) being able to recur it is better than the totem effect. I really don't think 4 mana is too much for the effect. I could be completely off base here, but I'm basing it off of how often I've seen Silent Departure flashed back. Granting a dude you have flying and +1/+0 late in the game could be the difference between being able to attack and being stonewalled. Not exactly like bouncing an opponents blocker, but I feel like it might be close.
If its going to be run, I kind of imagine it being played as a late game mana sink, one investment, on a single threat, when the game has kind of stalled, or its reached that attrition stage and there is just nothing competing with the mana investment. Kind of functioning like a manland in that sense, but a lot less efficient, since it requires a creature in play.
Silent departure is much better because the opponent is going to have to invest the mana again in the spell you bounced.
The elephant in the room here is the giant mana cost for a marginal buff, which you can't really get away from if we're evaluating the card fairly. 4 mana for +1 +0 and flying is a really bad rate (I hope we aren't actually arguing that point) and has to be able to compete with whatever else we could be doing at 4 mana. In a reasonably powered environment, casting pretty much any midrange spell is going to be a better use of mana. Even in my low powered environment (and I'm running the lowest powered environment here) thats just not a competitive rate with what you could be doing at 4cc, which is why I would expect it to be recurred in the late game, in a spot where you have a creature and literally nothing better to do with your mana.
Thats why I keep on allowing for corner cases with constellation (but evidently not heroic anymore, which just makes the card look even worse) since its possible that the triggered benefits from recurring it could be enough to justify a 4cc investment. I don't run enchantments though so I can't comment on that front. It would be nice if we could talk about the card and how it could fit into an environment (if at all), rather than dodging this mana cost issue.
The griffin guide cut is still really bad though. Surely, there is some bottom tier aura to cut for real world testing purposes? It would probably be more efficient to just do some mockup draft decks and run it through a few paces.