Jace thoughts: WOW this is the ugliest art of Jace yet & I hope it gets him killed
Sigarda: I wish she could work on ANY graveyard, but that'd be too strong. She's alright I guess but I don't think she's what I'm looking for in

Olivia: She's not looking her best, is she? Like, damn... bummer! With OG Liv being one of our faves (and very well-balanced in our current environ), I don't know if we'll risk running 2 of the same legendary... That said, she's a really awesome card. Maybe I just need to get it a bit altered (art-wise)? She's just lookin real... real sad here
Epiphany: I don't want a worse
Fact of Fiction when I already have a juicy X draw spell in my list already
Final thoughts: Jace did not need a new card in this set are you FUCKING KIDDING ME
- Liliana belongs in Spooksburg and she has been notably absent; why not bring her back here?
- More importantly: this seems to really suggest against a Tamiyo printing, which is gonna piss off a bunch of people (not that it will do anything negative to their sales figures, so who cares I guess)
- SORIN is even a focal point of this set so why not bring him back???
You know I have to say, I have a big crush on Jace and I think his character is not nearly as bad as people like to pretend it is, but the number of cards he's gotten feels a bit absurd, and I really hate him showing up here. Why not have Tamiyo and Sorin connect here? Or hell, Tamiyo and Liliana? I'd love to see those two gals team up! Tamiyo could appeal to Liliana's need for power or control or whatever and really flesh out both characters as an Unlikely Duo. Instead we have to trot out MR SMARTEST OF THE UNIVERSE to solve the mystery on SORIN'S PLANE (who is like 10 gigacenturies older than Boy Wonder) while SPOOKY MISS LILY continues her hiatus and TAMIYO WHO FOOOOUND ALL THE SPOOKY MOON STUFF GETS SHAFTED SO BOY WONDER CAN SWOOP IN FOR THE CREDIT???????????
I'm sure there's gonna be some kinda twist... right..?
edit: A theory - Tamiyo went mad from whatever mystery she uncovered studying the moon. We get a new, corrupted Tamiyo in the next set, and she's at the heart of everything somehow, or she knows "The Truth". She'll be

, to represent her madness and corruption. (eh? eh???)