Thinking more about it, I like Nahiri in some decks in my cube, but Daretti sort of fills the exact same niche, so idk if she does anything for me.
Unfortunately, I think it's probably gonna be along the lines of Wolfmother (love that, I'm stealing it), Jace, Sorin, Nahiri... Can't have a set without Jace, and Sorin kinda actually matters in this set. For once.
Mark Rosewater just said on his tumblr that we're getting 4 planeswalkers this set.
Nahiri, Tamiyo, Dark!Jace (ugh I know), and Tibalt? Dare2dream, I know... It seems like we need a Sorin since SHOWDOWN w/ NAHIRI but I don't honestly know, this new planeswalker clusterfuck is a goddamn mess to keep up with for me
EDIT #2 (fuck): Except we're getting Wolfmother, so... Wolfmother, Nahiri, Tamiyo, and almost definitely NOT Tibalt (god dammit) since they'll want one of their poster children in the set
Nahiri's ulitmate does seem to have some color issues, but the other two abilities are solidly in RW. She might have more loyalty than Ajani V, but he can protect himself right off the bat with a keep-tapped without going to 2 loyalty. His minus is most likely a better removal spell than Nahiri's (Helix vs. Excoriate). I like that she doesn't lock anyone out from doing anything.
I'm solidly in favor of more interesting (imo) decision-making that leads to a much more fun ultimate that might still end the game right there, but the opposing player doesn't have to sit there for multiple more turns to find out. More fun + more interactive + abilities that help you not harm your opponent = Happy Me
- Ajani no-un-tapping splash land you need = Negative Fun as spells rot in hand
- Ajani helixing = solid removal, but lowers his loyalty, potentially just dies from crackback just like Nahiri but can also kill the weenie you just played and then laughs all the way to:
- Ajani Blowing up all your lands = NO FUN AT ALL
- Nahiri rummaging one = Cool decision making on the user's part, but can be kinda weak. Fuels shenanigans w/ GY
- Nahiri Excoriating = Probably very close to 0 loyalty after use, and reliant on attacks happening. Which conveniently put her loyalty lower if some get in. meh.
- Nahiri throwing monster at you = Maybe just death happens, but maybe not considering the top end of creatures in our cubes, and maybe you get to see cool stuff like double surprise Sun Titan activation.
Nahiri's ulitmate does seem to have some color issues, but the other two abilities are solidly in RW. She might have more loyalty than Ajani V, but he can protect himself right off the bat with a keep-tapped without going to 2 loyalty. His minus is most likely a better removal spell than Nahiri's (Helix vs. Excoriate). I like that she doesn't lock anyone out from doing anything.
I'm solidly in favor of more interesting (imo) decision-making that leads to a much more fun ultimate that might still end the game right there, but the opposing player doesn't have to sit there for multiple more turns to find out. More fun + more interactive + abilities that help you not harm your opponent = Happy Me
- Ajani no-un-tapping splash land you need = Negative Fun as spells rot in hand
- Ajani helixing = solid removal, but lowers his loyalty, potentially just dies from crackback just like Nahiri but can also kill the weenie you just played and then laughs all the way to:
- Ajani Blowing up all your lands = NO FUN AT ALL
- Nahiri rummaging one = Cool decision making on the user's part, but can be kinda weak. Fuels shenanigans w/ GY
- Nahiri Excoriating = Probably very close to 0 loyalty after use, and reliant on attacks happening. Which conveniently put her loyalty lower if some get in. meh.
- Nahiri throwing monster at you = Maybe just death happens, but maybe not considering the top end of creatures in our cubes, and maybe you get to see cool stuff like double surprise Sun Titan activation.
Wolfmother counts as two planeswalkers perhaps?
An interesting take on Ajani and Nahiri. I could just make a list back, but there's no point really. One example "Nahiri -2 is potentially stronger, but also potentially weaker blah blah blahb" or "if you only have one creature Ajani's plus isn't very fair blahblabhla". But, You've made your decision and I've made mine, and that's A+.When planeswalker removal (in my environ at least) revolves around reducing loyalty to 0 through damage, a higher loyalty is a bigger pain than a 'walker that can defend itself.
Your perspective is interesting, but I give it another angle.
Ajani tapping splash-land: "don't be so fucking greedy sweetie"; For me, making splashes risky is what keeps them in check, and in my environ, I want splashes to be inherently risky so there's a real trade-off to consider between splashing vs making a lean 2c deck vs building a legitimate 3c manabase through proper picks in-draft. In my format, 3c decks are pretty reliable to construct. I personally want splashes to be punishable.
Ajani tapping a creature: non-issue and very fair.
Ajani Helixing: very nice potential removal in my list, and gives some access to life gain, which can help a range of decks. Puts Ajani within striking distance for just about any aggressive deck while still likely weathering a more midrange deck, board state depending. I like that it's a control effect that's better vs smaller bodies, rather than just generically good.
Ajani Ulting: Outrageously rare event over here. If Ajani ulting is a routine problem, re-evaluate your cube's power level; something's wrong. Otherwise, that's quite a long time to let a walker sit and gain loyalty; I think it's a win well-deserved if the RW player has you stalled out for that long.
Nahiri Card Selection: Nice, sure, fine, but +2 loyalty from it is a bit strong for me, especially since W wants more card selection pretty badly anyway
Nahiri Minus: Potentially much stronger than Ajani's, especially in my environ. Is a strong way to discourage attacking unless you can alpha strike her, which can be hard. Much, much harder to play around this; with Ajani, you swing in with everything to try and get in hits, with Nahiri, if you swing in with everything and don't connect, she eats your biggest battle dumpling and it's more likely GG. She can also fuel this much easier since she gains loyalty in a hurry with her +2
Nahiri Ult: Cool but I really don't think white needed this effect, seems like something that coulda been saved for another 'walker imho
In Conclusion~
I think More Interesting Decisions happen with Ajani. The Ajani V player has to use the +1 appropriately (locking down a land isn't always correct), and the -2 ability doesn't take out everything. The ult will win you the game almost always, but it shouldn't really be happening very often at all unless your environment has issues.
Nahiri offers some Interesting Decisions in her +2 ability, but the way she so rapidly climbs in loyalty is troubling. Her -2 ability is much more effective at destroying key Villain tools, leading to more "sitting around" than Ajani's ultimate does (assuming it even goes off; again, if it's a routine issue, it's the fault of the cube designer, not the card in this case), while her +2 ability fuels it twice as quickly as Ajani can fuel his more situational, but more flexible removal tool. Her Ult is really cool, and I give points for that, but with such a sturdy walker, I can't help but feel that something slightly better could have taken this slot.
The new board wipe seems pretty strong to me. I feel like the comparison to magister of worth is more accurate than phyrexian rebirth. I tried magister for a while and it definitely turned around more games than I felt was appropriate. Phyrexian rebirth might be larger on average, but at least its easy to chump
Magister is not at all an appropriate comparison because blink/reanimator shenanigans; a creature typing is not to be underestimated, for real
safra you raise some good points about newhiri
all vampire spells you have that aren't in play have Madness, the cost of which is equal to their mana cost
now this is a one-drop
Quick! everybody buy Vampire Hounds
yes, also SaffronOliveWhat the christ? Is it 8whack causing this?
you joke but did you know that Legion Loyalist is $18US now
What the christ? Is it 8whack causing this?you joke but did you know that Legion Loyalist is $18US now
Effectively the exact same power problem as Magister of Worth, but no voting and exile. It's too bad cause these self-enclosed wipe-angels are really cool in theory.