Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

2/3 lifelink doesn't attack or block very well. Its often just gonna trade down and gain you 2 life or be unable to fight due to being severely outclassed. Most 2/1 decks should have decent removal for a 3 cost idiot with 3 toughness.
2/3 lifelink doesn't attack or block very well. Its often just gonna trade down and gain you 2 life or be unable to fight due to being severely outclassed. Most 2/1 decks should have decent removal for a 3 cost idiot with 3 toughness.

Could the same not be said for Nighthawk? The deathtouch & flying are big, but Nighthawk also doesn't turn into a planeswalker.
nighthawk attacks and blocks really well. My problem with the 2/3 lifelink is I don't feel like I'll be gaining much life with it if I want to get that planeswalker out because most 3s+ will keep you from attacking with your idiot 2/3. Think about when you want a lifelink creature in black.
Meh, so she's almost never relevant as a creature. But occasionally she will be. That's enough for me. Plus, she gets way more relevant in lower powered environments.
Unless you suit him up or make him huge somehow, he's not going to just be able to attack whenever he wants. Everything can deal with a 2/2.
And that's why I prefer shroud to hexproof for anything that doesn't cost 6+ mana. I've seen a 1/1 token get out of control because it had hexproof, vigilance, and just kept getting bigger pants.


Ecstatic Orb
So, I did a bit of MSE/Gimp tweaking myself, and arrived at this:

Ludevics Test Subject.png

Acceptable? I would have liked an arrow from the left textbox to the right, but that requires more shopping skills than I have...

Chris Taylor

So, I did a bit of MSE/Gimp tweaking myself, and arrived at this:

View attachment 306

Acceptable? I would have liked an arrow from the left textbox to the right, but that requires more shopping skills than I have... Hmm... maybe I can use the fuse split frame with an arrow on the typeline...

Problem with all the non-dual-faced solutions is "How does it look when tapped?"

The Kamigawa ones work okay, but some people tap cards to the left. The fuse ones are okay as well, but the same problem exists.

The thing I like about dual faced cards is that it's never ever ambigious about what the state of the card is, and 90% of the time the little P/T indicator in the bottom right gives you enough information about the other side to see what the card's about. If Delver didn't have flying it'd be a worse card, but you'd still make your decision about weather to run it basically the same way

The only exception is Garruk Relentless, (Maybe huntmaster of the fells) but I'm of the opinion that you don't even need to see the other side to know he's good :p


Ecstatic Orb
I am planning to run these in the draft and deck with opaque sleeves. Once it hits the battlefield you put the original on top of it, much like you do (or at least, some people do) with the Morph tokens in Tarkir draft. So I don't need to worry about the logistics, I just need to worry about the information being on one side of the card, so people don't have to desleeve the cards middraft to see what the heck they do. I also disagree that the little P/T gives you enough information. As a 3/2, Delver of Secrets would be weakish, flying makes all the difference there, and I know for a fact that half of my drafters don't know that it has flying. Having all the information out there on one side of the card is important to me.

Chris Taylor

I am planning to run these in the draft and deck with opaque sleeves. Once it hits the battlefield you put the original on top of it, much like you do (or at least, some people do) with the Morph tokens in Tarkir draft. So I don't need to worry about the logistics, I just need to worry about the information being on one side of the card, so people don't have to desleeve the cards middraft to see what the heck they do. I also disagree that the little P/T gives you enough information. As a 3/2, Delver of Secrets would be weakish, flying makes all the difference there, and I know for a fact that half of my drafters don't know that it has flying. Having all the information out there on one side of the card is important to me.

All I'm saying is that the thought process should probably go "Okay, 1/1 for U, flips when I have an instant/sorcery on top, It'll be a 3/2. Alright, that sounds doable" Rather than "WAIT WHAT KEYWORDS ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE THIS IS VERY RELAVANT INFORMATON TO MY PICK ORDER" [/Strawman]


Ecstatic Orb
I don't agree, because that thought process you're talking about is near worthless if the flipside isn't worth the pick. A 1/1 that turns into a 3/2 isn't playable, because it will not transform a percentage of the time, and even when it does it gets stalled by anything in the mid- to late game. A 3/2 with evasion however is a relevant threat. Even with something as "stupid" as Ludevic's Test Subject, the trample is relevant because it means your lizard can't be chump-blocked. A 13/13 with trample will finish the game much, much faster than a 13/13 without trample. And then there's the DFC's that aren't simply french vanilla, like Huntmaster of the Fells, where being able to read the backside is even more relevant. In short, drafting DFC's is about evaluating whether you're interested in the stronger night side first, followed by evaluating how consistently you can transform it into the night side second.

And then there's the opaque sleeves issue. I have my cube in double sleeves, and I don't want my players to take out the cards of their outer sleeves, because resleeving a card in a tight-fit sleeve is annoying. Really, just putting DFC's into my cube without proxies is just not going to happen, so if I want to include DFC's (and I do, because Ludevic's Test Subject is AWESOME!!!1!!one!!) I have to use placeholders, and if I have to use placeholders, I want to use placeholders that enable my drafters, including the less experienced players, to make an informed decision about the quality of the DFC card in question.

Also, fuck strawmen! They're always wrong anyways!
I'd run Reckless Waif in a cube over Delver like any day. Constructed's a different story, but at least the Waif doesn't ask you to warp your deck to accomodate it nearly as much.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
in a fast cube, though, she almost never flips... here she's been basically relegated to sideboard only status against the slowest decks that have very few plays turns one to three
The idea is to start having more token creating or creature finding instants in creature decks so delvers are sweet. Not having 1 mana creatures that limit your depth of play.

I dunno what a morph cube looks but I don't like the sound of it.
If you could like re create ktk perfectly and just throw in hystrodon and exalted angel more power to ya, but I feel like you'd have a lot of trouble doing that without actually making booster paxz


So, what would you rather see as a DFC placeholder in a booster pack?

View attachment 308 View attachment 307

Wow thats a tough one. I like the visual appeal of the second one, because the additional art helps you get more excited about playing the card, but the first one illustrates the actual mechanics of the card better i.m.o. I think I would go with the second one, but if I had newer players I might be tempted to go with the first.

The original one Jonas posted I like the most though.

Is there a way to maybe incorporate the below image that would be better? To express both arts of the card, without having to spend two frames?


Part of this is that I just love that art. :oops:


Ecstatic Orb
Wow thats a tough one. I like the visual appeal of the second one, because the additional art helps you get more excited about playing the card, but the first one illustrates the actual mechanics of the card better i.m.o. I think I would go with the second one, but if I had newer players I might be tempted to go with the first.

The original one Jonas posted I like the most though.
Yeah, I like Jonas's better as well, but I can't recreate that, and there's no Ludevic's Test Subject in that style.this one is even better, but Zeerbe pulled the pds template for it offline.
