Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

I know that riptide loves its champions of the parish, but how do you guys feel about Experiment One? While not as archetypal or self-synergistic, how do you feel about running multiples of it?
I've considered going up to two, myself, probably during my BFZ update. I have a +1/+1 counter theme in green (secondary in red) and it's pretty awesome seeing green/green-focused aggro decks sprout up without having to use garbage.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member
Yup, I was pretty happy with him when I ran two for a while there. I don't remember why I cut back down to one... maybe I need to fix that!

Was talking to people about tokens for the cube and heard this guy come up a lot. Anyone running him?

Dom Harvey

There are so many great 5s in green. To me it competes with Deranged Hermit, which I've found to be more obnoxious although it works nicely with some of the things I'm trying to push at the moment.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
That deck looks like it pretty desperately wants a Thirst for Knowledge. Although your artifact density is super low I feel. ULD Artifact Lands would help, I just normally try to shoot for 8+ artifacts in my Tezzy decks.
That deck looks like it pretty desperately wants a Thirst for Knowledge. Although your artifact density is super low I feel. ULD Artifact Lands would help, I just normally try to shoot for 8+ artifacts in my Tezzy decks.

Yeah, this was without a utility draft since we just wanted to jam a few games with Cubetutor decks. I do have Darksteel Citadel + Seat of the Synod + Vault of Whispers in ULD and would definitely have gone for the trifecta if I had drafted this already. As is, it was more of a UB Control list with Tezzeret as a backup win-con.

The biggest issues I had had with the deck previously in real drafts when I tried to get it going was the lack of a sweeper and good ways to deal with individual threats. Languish and Icefall Regent have been great adds from recent sets and Disfigure was a card I overlooked for a long time but it's been sweet. I managed to pull of a Disfigure, Snap, Disfigure play to kill a Soulfire Grandmaster + a 4/4 Champion of the Parish. That was pretty sweet.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
all the artifact themes feel so, you know, artificial

I know this is mostly a joke, but in my cube I just run Tezzeret + utlility ULD slots + incidental artifacts. It's a "theme" with one dedicated card for support in 360, and forms a deck every few drafts. That's super compact and efficient as far as thematic support goes.


Drawback too much. Even if you provide a slower enviornment filled with conditional counters, temp hexproof, and counterspells, people will put him in the wrong deck.
What Grillo said. That drawback is devastating against burn, and cube has way too much of that.

If anyone makes a 4 color only cube without red though...