Card/Deck Single Card Spotlight

I love hymn / tanglewire / etc but those cards can be really rough if your cube sessions are under a very limited amount of time or you don't get to play often. Generating non-games is harder to get over if you have few to start off with.

Also remember that you want to make these cards impactful not devastating. Black does need cards that generate card advantage without dealing with life but like don't force people to play with decks filled mainly with 3-4-5cc sorcery speed cards and try to include more card advantage and selection across all colours for recovery. Midranged decks can lose the half of their hand that meant business and feel really stranded by cards like these.


Cunning Lethomancer as a slow one dimensional low power liliana of the veil?

There are a bunch of black enchantments that they printed, which do the same thing, but I'm not sure how much fun/good they are. This is that kind of effect, but on a stick, and I'm not sure how to evaluate it.

There really aren't good black one or two drops that facilitate both attacking or blocking, which I've found problematic in space starved 360 formats served up to non-spike players. With the penny cube, the solution was pretty simple: I just drew inspiration from the pauper "rats" deck, which revolves around 2-3cc black value creatures, and merges ideas of tempo, aggro, and control. Over there, it works out very nicely, because you can merry the black etbs and removal with blue ninjas, counters, and bounce, to get a pretty fun tempo deck. Alternately, you can fold a lot of the same cards into attrition based midrange decks, or more controlling lists.

I'm wondering if it isn't possible to do something similar with higher power formats, where you have a black section supporting versatile creatures that can apply pressure, but fit into a more attrition based deck, whose gameplay style can shift depending on how far up the curve you are willing to go: disruptive aggro, attrition midrange, or control. That way you don't have to run a million creatures that can't block.

I like untargeted discard, just because it gets better in multiples, and lends itself to a more coherent strategy. Thats how I would imagine this being: sort of topping out an attrition curve, after sacrificing the early game to stuff like IOK, thoughtseize, or therapy. But maybe hippie is just better, or neither of them: don't know. I just want there to be some marriage of discard and pressure, and have the decks they go into feel distinct.

really really liking Rattleclaw Mystic lately. Alongside other mana dorks, it lets you ramp 1-2-4 or 1-3-6, giving you beef or turbo-ramp on turn three, it taps for three colours of mana, and while I think yeah Lotus Cobra or Gyre Sage are stronger aggressive two-mana dorks that flexibility (esp. since i mostly cap out at six-drops) has been fascinating

you can go forest, utopia sprawl>plains, morph>plateau, Aurelia, untap rattleclaw to swing on the second attack
g2 (obv you crushed g1) you can curve out with, like, a t3 polukranos or whatever it doesn't actually matter

I was on the fence about whether the unmorph ritual made this Cubeable but it's been cool here and if you're also on the fence please try it and report back

James Stevenson

Steamflogger Boss
Staff member

Did anyone have a chance to try this card out? Does it do anything else than divert a doom blade to itself? Steal a rancor?

Hmm I think I had that at a prerelease or something, and it was a pain to hold. I can't see many cube decks being able to hold 3 mana for a few turns on the off chance that it get some value.

Jason Waddell

Staff member
Hmm I think I had that at a prerelease or something, and it was a pain to hold. I can't see many cube decks being able to hold 3 mana for a few turns on the off chance that it get some value.

I think it only works if you're also holding lots of other instant speed goodness. Casting this as just a 1/4 has to feel like ass for 3 mana. Even still, even in near ideal scenarios you're looking at eating a spell and having a 1/4 left behind. The BCS isn't that high and the WCS is ass.
Wayfinder is ok if you push graveyard themes hard, my drafters never wanted it
Mandrils is really boring and you should be ashamed
Stance is nice if you have +1/+1 counters/anthems to allow for more good targets but is played for indestructible most of the time, which is cool by me and fun for prowess
Managorger is the bomb and I love him, plays extremely well if you push lower curves too

Jason Waddell

Staff member

+ Can trigger Champion of the Parish twice
+ works great with sacrifice synergies
+ re-use ETB triggers
- fragile and maybe mana intensive.

If you have a Champion in play, one Dash puts 8+ power on board (two 3/3s, two +1/+1 counters on Champion). Anyone run it?
Just switched to it recently, after trying it out when I was testing Dash on a larger scale. Definitely playable, and fun.

Eric Chan

Hyalopterous Lemure
Staff member

After a half dozen or so drafts, my group's consensus is that this card is too powerful for my environment. While I'm not sure if I agree completely yet, any suggestions for alternatives in the same vein? I'm already running Planar Outburst, and want another "value wrath" at 6 or 7 mana ideally.


is new nissa even that good? everyone tells me it's super-powerful but i'm just not seeing it

any reason not to run all 5 flip pw's? the closest i can come up with:
1. they have too much damn loyalty (gripe from another thread with modern pw's)
2. jace is REALLY good